An Unexpectedly Great Meeting Deserves a Great Treat

in #blog6 years ago

We're a young, upcoming startup organization in our particular market segment. As such we're very humble in our approach to going after business. While we are taking a very different approach to solving the problem upon which we are focused, there are many players in the cyber security space that have been around for quite a long time. We intend to respect that. Humility. Important.

Today, we met with a very large organization and in our minds the chances of a good meeting were slim, but this didn't deter us. You've still got to get after it. Go. Learn. Adapt.


They Loved it! The meeting began a little rough, we thought that our worst nightmare was becoming reality, but just then: things changed. The tone shifted to one of being very positive. Lots of great probing questions about our product and its foundation. Meeting concluded with the scheduling of follow-ups in the next couple of weeks.

Mission Accomplished. Time for Lunch!



Another tech giant in the making. :) It must feel good to see your vision come to fruition. Congratulations!

Today was certainly a feel good day. Another reason for that good feeling is getting our first purchase order! As I got back home from this meeting, powered up my computer and there was a signed purchase order from, a previously prospective customer, in my inbox.

Here we go...

Congratulations, well done.

Thank you so much. Early days still, but looking brighter each day.

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