How to lose a relationship in 7 days

in #blog6 years ago


This is quite a crazy topic I must admit. How to lose a relationship in 7 days? Am sure you are wondering why the hell Would you want to learn how to lose a relationship in 7 days. Do not see this topic as a problem, rather it should be seen as a solution to a problem. The problem of losing a promising relationship due to negligence. Here is the deal, doing quite the opposite of what I will mention will surely preserve your relationship. Without much ado, let's do the do people.

1 Not returning calls especially missed called

Phone etiquette requires that we call back when we miss a call. However when the call of a missed one is missed one is expected to respond by calling back immediately. Failure to do this implies you haven't missed boo and you don't care boo called. Trust me, this leaves a bad taste in the affected persons mouth.


2 Nagging

Now this goes to the ladies. No man is perfect so is your man. Men make mistakes, a good man will definitely acknowledge his mistakes and apologize. And of course it's not a bad thing to correct your man. But it is a bad thing to keep talking over the same issue over and over again. This is called nagging and it can provoke your boo to anger.

3 Poor communication

Good communication is the live wire of a flourishing relationship. Lack of communication not only diminishes understanding, it gradually tears a relationship apart.

4 Unforgiving attitude

Love is all about sacrifice and a commitment to forgiving and tolerating one another. The best way to lose a good relationship is by refusing to forgive your spouse. Without forgiveness there is no love.

5 Cheating on your partner

Here comes the biggest killer of relationships. Am not sure I will actually forgive a partner that deliberately cheated on me. Infidelity is an act that is so emotionally destructive, it's an act no one should be a victim of. When infidelity occurs, it kills trust almost completely. Without trust a relationship is as good as dead.

6 Thinking of yourself only all the time

Some people are genetically programmed to talk, think and do things for themselves only. This is unacceptable because relationship should be about team work. Two people facing the world and odds with the primary purpose of staying Happy and fulfilled together. Having a selfish partner leaves one all alone in a big cold world. The end result can only be disaster.

7 uncontrolled anger

People that find it difficult to control their temper are the most difficult species to deal with. Uncontrolled anger usually lead to physical assault or verbal assault directed at boo. Boo can't accept this because assaults kills boo deep within.

You have just read 7 things that can end your relationship in 7 days. If you really cherish a long lasting relationship avoid everyone of them. My list is by no means conclusive. Feel free to add those things you think will end a relationship in 7 days in the comment section.
Thanks for reading, I hope your relationship prospers. Winks.


Wonderful write up, I will try the opposite. Lol.

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