Featured On Friday's: Reflections on our Juicing Diet

in #blog6 years ago

Hello Steemian friends,

We hope everyone is feeling fantastic as it's Friday!

We're feeling great! As some of you who have been following us noticed we started a juicing diet this week and we decided to document it. We created a four part vlog where we showed you the highlights, but unfortunately our final part where we talked about our experience didn't come out right. We noticed upon editing the clip that the fan in the kitchen was quite loud and in the process of reducing the background noise, we also reduced our voices. We are new to vlogging and now we know to test the sound as well as not to film with our GoPro. The action camera isn't meant for vlogging. We live and learn! We also learnt that during our juicing diet.

Why a Juicing Diet?

This was the question Sam's mum asked us when we decided and told her that she didn't need to cook for us for the next 9 days. Yes, maybe we do need to lose a few pounds around the edges, but we're not fat nor are we thin. This juicing diet wasn't about losing weight (but we would welcome it), but to cleanse the system. It all started out with Becca buying this 'Modern Juicing' book as she was curious and she is more health conscious than Sam is. The more she read the book, the more she wanted to give it a go! Here's the thing, we're a couple, so when there's a challenge, we both do it to support and motivate each other. Even if this wasn't Sam's thing.

Don't ignore your health in search for wealth

In this modern day and age, more and more celebrities and health conscious people are turning to a juice diet either for a temporary detox or to slowly implement it into their daily lives. It's not new, but it has been overlooked for many years. It all comes down to what you eat determines your body's health and this in turn helps shape how you feel and look. Juicing helps give your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs, without having to ingest the bad stuff it doesn't need. Once you have filled your body up with the right nutrients, it supplies you with mental clarity, physical energy and great overall health. When you juice, all the nutrients that are trapped inside the fibres of the solid vegetables, such as carrots, they are released into the juice which makes it easier for your organs to absorb through the bloodstream, this in turn gives your digestive system a bit of a rest.

What Does A 3 Day Juicing Entail?

Well for starters, it's not 3 days! The whole process took 9 days with a 3 day Pre-Cleanse and 3 day Post-Cleanse in between the 3 day juicing diet (cleanse). Both the pre and post cleanse consisted of eating nothing, but solid fruits and vegetables. No processed or oily foods were allowed. No tea, coffee, milk, soft drinks or alcohol. Just water. It was basically eating salads and soups in different ways. It was quite annoying for the pre-cleanse as our culinary minds did not stretch beyond the simple salad and soups, but when it came to the post-cleanse, it was a relief to be eating solid foods again. Both stages are necessary for the cleanse as those three days on either side prepares the gut for detox period as well as going back to normality.

The 3-day cleanse started on Monday for us, but already from Friday (last week) we were buying the necessary ingredients that we needed for a 3-day juicing diet. The shopping list was extensive from 27 different fruits and vegetables as well as spices and natural sweeteners. That wasn’t all, the amount of each fruit and vegetable we needed was vast too! The book gave us a shopping list for one person, so we had to double everything. Hopefully, we won’t see 42 carrots in our shopping cart for a while! Why so many fruits and vegetables? Well, try obtaining a liter of orange juice with one orange. It’s impossible unless you have a super-duper GM orange then maybe (something out of James and the Giant Peach). But, your average 2-4 oranges will give you about a cup of orange juice. So, imagine a carrot that is not known for its water density. How many would you need to juice before you get a decent amount of juice? Quite a bit.

The 3-day cleanse involved creating six different types of juices per day (each). Water and those six juices is all we could have. The first juice every morning was a blend of carrot and orange as this juice had natural sugars and was a great pick-me-up drink! The next five juices, we would plan the night prior. We would make three juices that we would take to work/university and after the fifth juice prepared for when we got home. The sixth juice was not so much a juice, but a broth. We boiled a few vegetables and afterwards blended them and strain the pulp. Yes, it did taste like flavoured hot water. We did this cycle for three days and nights! We wasted nothing as we kept the pulp too! We stored this in our freezer as we read that the pulp could be used for things like cakes, muffins, crackers and veggie patties for burgers.

One of our green juices: cucumber, mint, lime and green apple


The ‘Modern Juicing’ book said that during our 3-day cleanse we might experience some fatigue, however, both of us felt energised and recharged. Sam even woke up in the mornings without his usual tiredness and headache feeling. Our cleanse was only 3 days, however there are other cleanses that are seven days or twenty-one days long! We feel we could probably manage a week of juicing next time (if there is a next time) as during the three days we did not feel hungry, this is because we got the required nutrients in a liquid form. It was quite an amazing feeling; however, we love our foods too much to stay away from solid foods for too long!

We had an amazing time juicing and would recommend it to anyone who would like to try it. Take the necessary steps to cleansing, curing and keeping your body healthy. And yes, if you were wondering if we lost weight. Yes, we did. We weighed ourselves at the gym (after no exercise for eight days) on Day 8. Becca lost just under three kilos and Sam just over three kilos in eight days! Yet, do not see this as a weight loss diet, it is more than that! It is about the benefits you will receive.

From the 'Modern Juicing' book about the health benefits of juicing

Stay Classy Steemians!

Featured on Friday’s is a post written by the @travelling-two every Friday to inform their followers and readers about anything they had in mind and would like to share with the rest of the Steemit community.

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