My Interview with Gerry (@The-Puppet-Patch) on Steemit & What I Learned From It

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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I have interviewed @The-Puppet-Patch on Steemit that has created a puppet show with his children and monetized it on Steemit. I was quite impressed when I saw the effort that goes into their show so I had to interview him.

(You can find the youtube video at the end of the post).

Besides that, I have also talked and still talk with Gerry on an almost daily basis and we get along really well, so this is not just networking, this is a friendship and I recommend everyone to network like that.

You only work together with people that you really get along with because then you can both thrive together, you can of course also together for profits only but that is not really satisfying, right? You should only consider that when you really need money, and even then it will be really hard to make money like that.

That's what I have realized when I worked with Gerry, it was really easy to work with him because we both get along, he is reliable and it is easy and enjoyable to work like that.

So that is the first lesson I got from working together with Gerry: Working together with people that you get along with will be enjoyable and fun and therefore also created more money for you both in the long term.

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More Lessons From Gerry

What Gerry has directly told me is to never give up even when you make zero cash and I can totally agree with that because I don't give up either and I would have missed out on a lot of money and friends if I would have given up!

I would not have met @Hopehuggs, @The-Puppet-Patch, @Humanearl, @Zakludick, @Teutonium and many other great people if I would have quit.

Another lesson I got from him is to simply not care when you are on camera even when it looks weird. You need to try out a lot when you are an entertainer to get an idea of what is funny and that means that you will often be perceived is weird. That is all part of the process and not a reason to feel ashamed.

Furthermore, people will forget your video from yesterday anyway, and if they don't then that is great because that means that your video has made a serious impact on people, in that case, you have succeeded!

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Plans for the Future

Gerry and I have planned to create a show for Steemit that we do on the weekend and I look forward to that. That is the good thing when you work with people that you get along with, you actually plan to work more together instead of hating work.

Work must always be like that! It is our life after all and we should not waste it doing stuff that we hate doing (unless it is useful for us).

Besides that... I wonder how my 30-day experiment will turn out, me posting the same content on DTube, DLive and DSound might not be good for me financially, my stomach tells me that, but I can also be totally wrong.

Anyway, I wish you guys a nice day!

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My Website:

The Youtube Video

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

@valorforfreedom this was a great summary of our interview my friend. I don't think posting on many different platforms is wrong at all. You have to keep trying and find a formula that works best for you. I am looking forward to doing the weekly show with you as well Phil. It will be alot of fun.

Absolutely Gerry, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity they say.

I think I am on a good path right now and you too. 👍

Captain Phil! Haha! Only a New Yorker could think of something as DIABOLICAL as this! I suggest you consider moving to Brooklyn. You'd fit right in with the BOMBASTIC people there - my home turf... Also, if/when you transcript these videos be sure to upload he transcripts (as captions) into the YouTube videos. Here's a tutorial which guides you through the process (it's simple - and a HUGE boost for SEO) :

I followed @the-puppet-patch and will watch some of his puppet show episodes... Smell ya' later...

I would totally love to have a clean transcript in my video and in text form.
But that is so much work for little benefit, if I had the cash I would get it on all my videos and texts.

Yes agreed with his opinion as life is full of adventures and I think without it, is boring.

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