5 ways to make your body burn more fat

in #body6 years ago

Losing weight is a dream for many people. It is difficult, results are achieved with a lot of effort and deprivation. Very often, fat remains at certain undesirable sites despite weight loss.
In order to melt any excess fat it is necessary not only persistence, but also acceleration of metabolism. When it runs at maximum speed, fat burning becomes faster and better.
One of the most common mistakes that prevent weight loss is the reduction of calories. This causes the body to suppress the reduction in fat in an effort to overcome hunger. This creates fat deposits where excess fat is stored.

To burn, do not reduce your calorie intake. Instead, make some changes to your daily rhythm. Here's what.

Drink plenty of water

Water is needed to break down fat. It is lost easily and quickly with separation, sweating, breathing. Many people live with a mild form of dehydration without knowing. This is a stumbling block to getting the dream figure. Drinking 2 liters of water per day helps burn more calories.

Try periodic fasting

Restricting food intake for certain periods of time can stabilize blood sugar and reduce inflammation in the tissues, which at the same time promotes fat burning. Fasting reduces the so-called horseradish hormone. It also reduces the desire for sweet and sugary foods that cause inflammation and fat accumulation.

Do not be afraid of fat

By limiting the intake of carbohydrates and increasing the consumption of healthy fats, the body becomes a machine for burning excess fat. This method involves "learning" the body to expect carbohydrates to provide energy. Instead, fat is the main "fuel", which besides helping to lose weight is also a way to use more energy for a longer time.

Drink more tea

Thermogenesis is a process in the body that produces heat inside the body. This stimulates the burning of more fat and calories. Some tea compounds accelerate metabolism and fat burning by up to 16%.

Eat spicy foods

Some spicy foods contain the compound capsaicin, which has the ability to accelerate metabolism, burn fat, and reduce appetite. It is found in the largest quantities in chili peppers.

image - https://www.pexels.com

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