How shall I keep my bread? / パンはどうやって保存するのがよいのだろうsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #breadbakers5 years ago


Few days ago I was baking in the evening time and had the baked loaf just before going to bed. It was fluffy toast bread. I regularly put it in a plastic bag after it cools down to keep it soft. If it was sour dough kind of hard bread, I just left it in the kitchen and went to bed. In the end I put the half cooled down bread in a plastic bag opened.


Then I started wondering how shall I keep my bread. It may be depending on type of bread.


  • Soft bread: in a plastic bag after cooling down / ソフト系のパンは冷ましてプラスチックの袋へ。
  • Hard bread: as it is? wrapped with baking paper? wrapped with fabric (hemp bread bags are sold)? in a plastic bag after 1-2 days? / ハード系のパンは放置、紙で包む、布で包む、数日経ったらプラスチックの袋へ。

Still I don't know how can I keep hard bread properly. When I was new to Germany, I was surprised to find bread just kept in cupboard saying "hello akipponn" at my boyfriend's family home. It's roughly wrapped with paper from farm bakery. Well made farmers' bread lasts one week unless it's eaten up ;)

書いてみたもののハード系のパンの正しい保存方法は未だに謎です。ドイツにきたばかりの頃、お父ちゃんの実家にお世話になっていたのですが、台所の棚をあけると紙でちょろっと包まれているもののどどーんとパンがいて「ハロー akipponn!」な感じなのに驚きました。でも、きちんと作られたファーマーズブレッドはこれで普通に1週間持つんですよね。

When I bake sour dough kind of hard bread, I leave it as it is for the first 1-2 days. Mostly it stays in the oven (good storage place!). Then I start having it in a plastic bag. It works fine ... maybe ;)


Another thing I mind is my plastic bag consumption. I reuse the bag I keep bread for 2-3 times but throwing away these bags is painful :( Reusable bread bag can be an option for hard bread. But I want to keep soft/fluffy bread as they are.


Recently I found beewax wrap at a bio store. It can be a good solution for keeping bread. I will go and buy one to try it out.


How do you keep your bread fresh?




紙がいいのかなあ、やっぱりパンも呼吸しますもんね。ビーワックスのラップ、自作もできるようですが、まずは一枚買ってみて使ってみます :)

I live in a damp, wooded area, so plastic doesn’t work very well. I get mold quickly. I use paper bags, but the bread gets stale fast. I revive it with a quick splash of water on the crust and a little time in the oven.
@akippon, beautiful post as usual!

My mother in Japan has and I had the same trouble with mold. So we put bread in fridge after few days. Splashing water before toasting is a good idea. I remember my chef friend advised me to do so :)

Your yarns are beautiful too @kimmac!

I keep mine in a Tupperware in the fridge. I tried keeping it out of the fridge and it got moldy. I live alone so I don't eat it very fast, and I keep my apartment warm (in the winter I keep the heat up and in the summer I rarely use a/c if ever). I have some giant Tupperware big enough for bread because I got them as a house warming gift years ago. :)

Thanks to dry climate, I didn't have many problems with mold. More like I care bread gets dry. I found another problem. My fridge is too small to host bread ... Ah! I can keep them in my kneading bowl. It's a big tupperware :D

うちの相方はアルミでくるんでからラップっていう方法を選んでいる気がしますが、結構ざっくりなニューヨーカーな部分もあるので「あれ?」って思うこともしばしばです^^; 何ていうか「こだわることとそうでないこと」、それから「こだわる時とこだわらない時」の差が大きいのは、個人の性質でしょうか…😂

私はパンを焼いたことはありませんが、マフィンやケーキは子供たちのために時々作ります。いつも、冷めてからタッパーに入れています。寝る前に焼きあがったソフトなパンはどうしたらいいんでしょうね。こちらの人はビーワックスの布を使っているか、パン屋さんにあるような茶色い紙袋 (大きさもありスーパーマーケットで手に入る。安価)の中に保存しているようです。

ところでsteemit-jpさんの企画、jp-friendship #5のバトンをakipponnさんにお渡ししたいと思います。よろしければ受け取って下さい!(^^)

サリーさん、バトンありがとうございます。納豆ご飯になりそう w ああ、yoshiko さんからもらった納豆パスタと明太子パスタのもので作ったパスタもおいしかったな・・・ありすぎて選べなくなりそうですが、がんばって選びます!

ビーワックスの布、使っている方いるのですね。どこかでオーストラリアのブランドをみたことがあるような気がします。本場なのかもしれませんね :)

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