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RE: [crud] the answer to your trouble ?

in #busy6 years ago

oh phew i was just about to send my SBD when i saw this :) picrify my post would be cool, but is it guaranteed they can't read it's just theopinion of some guy i know :)


ahah, @darsico sorry was on other pc discording and stuff , yes well i'm already hoping no one will actually try and send money lol5.png

my sick sense of humour and sarcasm often gets misunderstood, so i'm glad @checky already confirmed the accountname doesnt exist

but it wouldnt be the internet if some selfproclaimed blackhat scriptkid picks up on it and figures out if two people out 100.000 send 5 each you already have more than a new accounts worth ... maybe i should disclaim myself for trying to be funny for once

i think it would work though, just like spreading your stuff over accounts will mislead the selfvote-fascists, something i havent done myself yet but will be seriously considering if i ever get attacked by dictators. This thing would fix scanners on keywords already, i doubt any of the bots go as far as to OCR (thats ocr, right, not ocd) every posted picture for keywords :p, like)


i made this one once for some forum (at the dawn of time when the world was young) with some moderator with behavioural patterns like the enlightened ones here and for some reason they didnt pick up on it :p

i try to keep the posts smal and easy for a while, and reply only by daytime but tonight it seems even people on my discord channel are talking lol
social obligations emojipanic.jpg

but i did something at least, the distros are almost all rendered with winners in it and stats ready, i got all auto update scripts i can run once a day , i got the autovoter running steady in two terminals on two accounts (one for trial), i cant say i havent advanced one single bit but ... after that its python ... posting and replying from scripts or i cant do anything with what id like to try next

in the meantime the posts seem to get the same , even if i dont spend six hours writing an essay ... which, sadly proves the grand theory of futility again

but well, i'm somewhat activated and despite whale-street wars on bidbot users there's only one way

to the moon !
(or crash in the sea and die ofcourse)

i think the will to make coins is way more powerful than the need to stackem up all perfect and proper. Money always wins this just creates confusion that money isn't winning but it is.

money wasnt made to be piled up, it just doesnt work that way, gold is made in bricks for that but money is made to go around, the whole system is built on it, but as in many cases they try to lay that on the plankton while the big five on top keep trillions in stale ponds, and its THAT money that has to flow :)

i just noticed posts are now sometimes even getting zero sbd ? do you know of any top-level masterplan to make this happen ? it doesnt feel like a simple peg anymore but more like the enlightened anti-bidbot in the name of the holy content squad ?

hold on ... i'll get right back

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