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RE: Steem: Gaming Is Coming To Steem

in #busy5 years ago

I'm blown away that they made this. It was only a month ago I was talking about Drug Wars and how it makes perfect sense that we would adapt that game to Steem.


Your intuition was spot on.

What else does your crystal ball foresee in the future...I want to know what will be announced next month.

I imagine we will continue down the line. We only have solo programmers or small teams, so the low hanging fruit will be picked first.

  • Oregon Trail
  • Farmville
  • Candy Crush
  • Angry Birds

If we can re-adapt these games to have Steem payouts they become very addictive gambling-like pay-to-win games that are incredibly difficult to regulate.

I also expect board games to make an appearance.

Hopefully Steemit Inc surprises us and gives us SMT-Lite soon™.

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