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RE: US Debt Undermines Dollar Confidence (whether people realize it yet or not)

in #busy6 years ago

re: amendment

Well, yeah, I was kidding, but in thinking about it afterwards, the 16th amendment (income tax) and the founding of the Fed pretty much set us on this current path.

We've got only ourselves to blame about the Congressmen. If we keep voting them back in because they bring nice things back to us using federal tax dollars, then we're part of the problem. If we want them to intercede on our behalf beyond their constitutional mandates, then we are part of the problem.

re: promises

I doubt we'll hear that everything is gone. Checks will stop going out in the mail, medical services will be denied, and the media will either be mum if it's Democrats in control and/or blaming Republicans, even though all parties will be complicit, just to carry on the charade a little longer.

I'm hoping that this will all happen 50 years from now, too, but I don't see it taking that long. Things are accelerating too quickly and there's not enough monopoly money to keep it afloat.


We sure do Not have 50 years! Less than 10 is more likely. You are right,things initially will just begin to stop working. Healthcare will go first, because they have the most control of that field.

The government checks will be last, because when those stop, riots begin. But they will cut SS first, and welfare last.


Ten, eh? Well, I was going to be slightly more optimistic and maybe split the difference at 25, but I agree, it's going to come sooner than later. Germany gets fed up propping up the European Union, especially with the southern countries, and things unravel rapidly.

There are so many different possible trigger points that if we truly knew them all, we'd probably start the spiral then, just from being overwhelmed by it all. Ignorance they say, is bliss.

I was basing that on 6 more years of Trump, with the associated gains in strength of this host; followed by 4 years of another liberal parasite who would not want to face re-election.

All he need do is assist in the dollar crash, and declare marshal law....


Sorry for the late reply, but I agree wholeheartedly with both of your points. I don't think it will take 50 years either, but they've shocked me with how long they've been able to keep it up so far. I gotta admit, with computers they can now do things much better than they used to be able to, that specifically includes manipulating people into doing what they want and when.

No worries on the late reply. I see you been kicking up some dust elsewhere. :)

It's got to happen. There just isn't any other way around it. Someone will decide to stop playing the game. Us, them, someone, and then the whole system will just disintegrate. I wouldn't mind it if it were 35 or so years down the road, but I think even that's a little too optimistic.

But as you say, they've been able to drag it out longer. And maybe they're big play is to basically take over the cryptospace, or come up with their own crypto. They need to find some other way to create value out of thin air.

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