in #busy6 years ago

Friend of all, we live in this world full of rules, and we live in a state of law, whatever we do in accordance with the rules of law that apply, and what we need to know is in this sophisticated nature we also have rules, and do not apply the law of the jungle or the law of the devil.
So if you live in a country do not ignore that every country has a rule of law in accordance with the image and kareteristik a country, the saying " dimana bumi dipijak disitu lagi di junjung " means wherever we are there legal rule that we must follow.
Our steemian friends are many of us who ignore the laws that apply to a country, instead we prefer to show ourselves that we are the most knowledgeable of the law, this is what we show that we are the greatest, we know everything, but we are naive human beings, we are one of the very deficiencies and nothing in the eyes of God.
Greetings brotherhood, sorry I just want to remind each other. Thanks by. @ Yoesmedi


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