
I study cosmology a lot these days. I have come to understand that things can get infiniteiy small and lose no complexity and get infinitely bigger and be as simple as burning hydrogen ... until you look closer again and realize the quantum level. To the universe humans are way smaller than those bugs to the human. So amazing to fathom.

Well this was a post that really made me think:)

The quantum realm is infinite and you are right. We humans are less than a speck cosmologically.

Having said that. It's great to be alive to the possibilities before us.

Are we the only species to experience the universe?

Certainly not. But who knows. Perhaps the universe unfolds at the moment of discovery.

We are lucky and I am in awe too.

Awesome close up photo’s of these tiny insects, the spider has some very unusual colours to it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep it was an interesting little spider. If we could jump like it we would jump 10's of feet!

The colouring is probably a defence against predators.

Howdy sir molometer! you are so right, the world is such an amazing place! Too bad no one takes the time to notice. I appreciate that you do though.

The world is a beautiful place.

I feel sorry for those that cannot or will not see the wonder of this planet.

They are probably the same people who are destroying it?

When I was a kid there was an expression.

"Don't crap where you eat"

Times have changed it would seem. For some people just do whatever they like with our planet for what? Profits?
How sad and short sighted.

Howdy today sir molometer! Yes sir I agree about the idiotic short-sightedness of people but I think generally speaking we've made massive changes in the right direction, just need to keep working at it and the ocean cleanup needs to accelerate because that situation is alarming!

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