in #busy6 years ago


They say opportunity meets preparation brings about success. But what about opportunity meets Foxes? Or Foxes in relationships? In business? That can be disastrous..

Foxes are omnivores and eat small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs, eggs, insects, worms, fish, crabs, mollusks, fruits, berries, vegetables, seeds, fungi and carrion. In winter they mainly eat mammals, such as mice, rabbits and other small animals. In autumn their preference is fruit and berries like blackberries, apples and persimmons, plus acorns, sedges and tubers. In summer they eat lots of insects like crickets, beetles and caterpillars as well as frogs and mice. In spring they will fill up on birds' eggs and earthworms. They will even wade into shallow water for fish and crabs. source

In this context, foxes are those little insignificant things that destroy what we have built for ourselves. It could be our reputation, our relationship, our family, our business and even our destiny. They are called little foxes that sneak up into our lives. Sometimes we don't even pay attention to them until the damage is already done.

A man can prepare himself all his life for a business or a job opportunity and when he finally gets it, his bad attitude robs him off that opportunity. Someone close to me, a relative actually, schooled in one of the best schools in England, came out top of her class. She became a hot cake in Nigerian cooperations but her attitude robbed her off those opportunities. She lacked the ability to focus at a thing for long, plus she argues with her boss and that made her lose her job. In this case, the Fox is her bad attitude.

It could be a relationship, even the Scriptures says

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.(Songs of Solomon 2:15)

If you are conversant with the scriptures, you will know that Songs of Solomon is a Love song between lovers and the above was a conversation from a lover to another. The vineyard means their relationship and the foxes are the little things that can ruin their relationship. It is pleasing to know that even the Scripture acknowledges the importance of relationships and it's success giving way to that verse. These little foxes could be a third party, unfaithfulness, lies etc that can threaten a blossoming relationship. Foxes can make us lose our loved ones, so in a relationship, it is paramount to not let them rear their heads.

You may have the smartest idea in the world but pride won't just let you learn from others. I know of a very smart guy with smart business ideas, but his pride, lust for money and arrogance is the biggest I've ever seen. He always meet people that are willing to help him, but they abandon him when they see his attitude and the worst part is that his pride won't let him see anything wrong with him. When an opportunity finally meets his ideas, the Foxes(pride, lust and arrogant) drive the away.

It could be Finances, you make money and yet you can't account for how much is being spent. Maybe you spend so much on drinks and women, these are the foxes that eat up your finances. You need to discover whatever it is, start being responsible in your finances by ruling out unnecessary expenses so that you can truly be financially free.
Foxes can also be that unhealthy attitude that threatens our health.

Sometimes we neglect these things and we end up paying dearly for it. Let us examine our lives, if things are not moving as we want them to, let us look within and around us. It may not be about us, it may even be our friends. The little foxes might be those friends or even our spouses, whatever or whoever it is, it is important that we search for them, get rid of them before we get destroyed.

Catch the little foxes before they ruin your Vineyard

Thanks for reading
Its the one and only @nmalove👑


Very informative..
We should be on guard with the things that happens around us. Only then we would know when the foxes are coming are closer...

Thanks for sharing this..
Have learnt to watch out for foxes in my life.

Yes we should always be on guard. Thanks for reading

Hmmmm.... amazing amazing... such a captivating title and Intresting piece. Truely attitude have helped so many and also tamed so many. You could do something right but with a wrong attitude and automatically, everything goes bad simply because of attitude. I have to start checking the foxes in my life. Thank you so much for this.

Thanks for reading..

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