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RE: Swimming in a Sea of Downvotes and I Still Think They Are Needed.

in #busy5 years ago

With steemauto now offering downvote trails for those of us who don't have time to lurk the steem all day, I am not at all opposed to using my stake to trail downvoters who downvote overvalued posts. I am not scared of retribution - I don't post nearly enough for it to matter. Who should I trail?


Who should I trail?

You should trail No One. You only should Upvote & Downvote everything CONSCIOUSLY!!

C'mon @techslut. After three long years wandering around here, you SHOULD know this better. ;p

Should. Yeah. I should also finish my book, 3 work deadlines, 2 washing machines and a Steem post which I've been wanting to write for two weeks now. I wish I had the time to curate. I do. What's the alternative? Abandoning my account and letting my stake just sit there collecting dust?

What's the alternative? Abandoning my account and letting my stake just sit there collecting dust?

Well yeah, DUST eh?

Following unwarily just a bunch of popular "Brainless & Blind" trails won't save you to collect just more pure worthless dust specks. };)

So, go ahead and, if anything, sign up and create your own private & personal Trail on Steemauto simply selecting a good chunk of your own most appreciated favorite authors on the steem blockchain.

In this way, if though not totally 'conscious' about what sort of content you are upvoting to collect the alleged real value of your 50% 'curation' rewards in real time. At least subconsciously you'll know what the heck you are 'curating' because it will certainly be much easier for you to pinpoint, follow, read, digest and enjoy in deferred time the content of what you are actually curating. :)

So... trailing steemstem and openmic are bad ideas? And if I can't manually curate I shouldn't bother?

So... trailing steemstem and openmic are bad ideas?

Uhm yeah. Mostly it is a bad idea madam. At least not as good as creating and arranging your own private personal trail that you can manage & control as you please. In such a way that when you then have some free time to check minutely what the heck you actually have voted and 'curated'. Afterwards, you also will have the opportunity to read, digest & enjoy the fruits of your 'curation' work calmly. };)

What is this "free time" you speak of?

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