Watching the Grandkids and Introducing them to SteemMonsters

in #busy5 years ago

This week I am staying with the Grandkids at their house while the parents are on vacation. It's a great pleasure once in a while to get the kids on their own turf and to myself.

I would have called this arrangement "babysitting", but my Grandson informed me since he is 14 he does not require a babysitter and my current position should really be described as "Supervising" vs. "BabySitting". lol, Teen Boys are interesting creatures.

After the parents left and dinner and clean up were finished, I showed all three kids SteemMonsters.

Reactions to SteemMonsters.

I showed the game to all three kids: Female Age 5, Female Age 11, Male age 14.

The oldest wasn't the least bit interested in the game or in the money the cards might result in. I was surprised as he likes games and collects sports cards and other memorabilia. His eyes glazed over as I showed him the game and explained the monetary system. He soon asked to be dismissed to go to his room.

His younger sister, age 11 on the other hand, was immediately intrigued, which surprised me, but she played several games with my deck on my computer and figured out enough strategy to win several games on my account and ask several questions about the Market. She has an interesting goal to save enough money to pay for her own college and was wondering if the cards could help. She was interested enough I bought her a starter pack and 5 booster packs and set it up on her Amazon Fire. We were both disappointed that the game looks terrible on the Fire.

It was nearing bedtime so she only played a few games, but it is difficult to navigate on the small screen and the entire battle will not even display properly. In any case she got a couple of great cards, and if it was more viewable, I think she would be likely to play to earn more cards.

The youngest, age 5 was briefly interested, but mostly just because she wanted to be included in the conversation. She soon wondered away in favor of her tablet and some videos.

It's too soon to tell, but I'm curious if kids enjoyed the game if they would be asking to play and really $10-$20 dollars isn't outrageous as a starting cost for a game for kids.

I'll keep you posted on whether or not my Granddaughter's interest can stand up to the viewing difficulties on the Fire.



I, like many, am addicted to steemmonsters!! I like that your sharing that with your grandkids.

I hope your granddaughter doesn't get discouraged having such a small screen... maybe santa can bring her a computer with a huge screen for christmas!

Excellent Supervising! Kids do seem to develop an attitude from an early age nowadays - I know my boys are very opinionated about what they think I should be doing - and what I should not be!

Thanks to this post I spent an hour on Steem Monsters after weeks away from it, I still don't fully understand it and seem to only win 1 in 10 battles - and I don't really understand how I am going to change that other then investing in expensive cards.

I suppose my best tactic is to go through the #steemmonsters tagged posts and see if there any good strategy and guide posts to learn from, I think it has excellent potential to bring people into the Steem Blockchain - but I really need to be able to show people how to use it before I try and introduce them to it.

I have slowly worked out this morning that playing with the cards adds value to them, so you can start off with base value cards, build them up through playing and then sell them on through the open market - which has great potential if you have the time to kill playing. For me each round just seems to take far too long - and quickly you realise you wasted a big chunk of you time sat watching a screen!

I hope your granddaughter does well though, very commendable she is already thinking of ways to pay her way through college.

#thealliance #witness

What are the gold cards for? Been trying to figure them out.

They are harder to get and have more power. They play with your other decks, either alpha or beta depending on what category they fall into and start out at level 3.

My kids LOVE Steem Monsters, and can hear it from across the house lol.. They hear the battle start, ad they come running!! I love Steem Monsters, and think it is great to share with young kids!

I love that you mentioned the music, they do "learn" to hear it quickly.

Quite catchy huh

Look at you GM! 💯

My Kids Nephew and Niece both are twins. They like this and share to other neighbour young kids. This is very interesting.

We should let the kids make it viral!

Yes sure! We have already shared with another kids.
I have also use @whatsup in my ulog tag.

My daughter has been surprisingly interested in it as well. However, she prefers just to open packs mostly. It it amazing the questions she asks while watching the game play and team selection. I think she could be a natural... maybe I should get her an account with starter pack!

Yep, then she can do quests and earn ranks to gain additional packs!

Well mt 13 year old son played a randomly selected a team, lost a few games and quickly lost interest. But when i win a pack he likes to open it.

My brother has an Amazon Fire. It's so tiny and clunky! I wouldn't even stand using it. I also bought one but I didn't open it and I'm instead intent on reselling it. Lol.

I enjoy SteemMonsters, but only briefly. I keep buying cards, enjoying them for like 20 minutes, then putting them up for sale again.

lol, well that isn't a bad strategy.

get them started young ;) it reminds me of playing computer video games when i was a girl! but with $$$ XD

What games did you play?

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