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Well thank you! I will need to do some reading into it because honestly I don’t know much about this but I’m loving steemit so far! Newbie 🙂

I was about to curate this with canna, lol. Glad it was already done! You are deserving. Keep up the cool post!

Thank you! 😎

Excellent bud structure!
What strain was it?

Thank you! My husband has the green thumb he has taught me so much! That one was Girl Scout cookies.. amazing! We also grew sfv and Chernobyl

Haha nice! It’s seriously one of my faves and so beautiful! Right now we are growing blueberry kush, kushandcheese and cherry bomb, hydro in coco. No outdoor grow this year it just got way too big for our small back yard but once we have some more land I’ll forsure grow outside again I love to see how big they get in their natural habitat.. so neat! 🤓

Im bad with indoor growing.
I've never tried Kush and Cheese Or Cherry Bomb!
Did you take any pictures of them?

I have a couple pictures on my blog of the cherry bomb I believe taken a few weeks ago! I plan on posting new pics today 😁

Sweet Ill check them out :)

Awesome thanks!

HA One more common thing we have... I'm in Michigan too!
Small steemit world!

Haha that’s super neat! Small world 🌎 😃

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