My guilty pleasure car

in #cars6 years ago

When I drive from work to home I always pass this restaurant between Zutphen and Apeldoorn. Every day in front of that restaurant I see this Opel Ascona type B, fully in original state. I have a weak for this car, it was my first car when I got my driverslicense.

Source , it was the same like this one

I remember when I bought it, I was passing by the Ford dealer near our house and saw the car on their terrain. I thought the model was great and could already see me driving in that car. So I went into the showroom and asked the salesman if it was for sale. He told me that they had just exchanged him when people bought a new car. So it was for sale. When I asked him what the price was he said "400 guilders" , and 400 guilders at that time was about the same 180 euro is now. So a bargain ;)... The thought I was a car-trader (probably had something to do with my looks hahaha)....

Well, I was the proud owner of a Opel B Ascona 1.9 N. When I picked up the car I was so excited, I immediately went for a spin to show it to my friends.. I felt myself the king of the world, imagine a 18 year old with his first car...


Soon I was looking at some things to put on the car like wide rims and tyres, some spoilers and stuff, just to let all look fancy and cool.... (I don't dare to tell it my kids, they would laugh at me I think)...
We always gathered with a lot of friends and then just drove around the city.

I had a lot of fun with the car, because it was a rear wheel drive you could drift awesome with it.

Source Somewhat like these ;)

After some time I did discover why the car was so cheap, the carroserie was rotten under the car, one night a wooden stick (which was on the road) poked right trough the soil.... So I didn't had the money to fix it all, and the car wasn't really worth it so I brought it to the junkyard.

But my enthiousiasm for the Ascona was even more grown. So I looked for ad's of people selling their Ascona. Finally I found one again within the pricerange I liked. A found a B Ascona 2.0 SR


The SR Type had a two-stage carburetor, which gave some extra fuell when you hit the pedal to the metal :).. With this car I had big plans, the carroserie was briljant, so I wanted to turn it into a classy race car.... But as you know how things go, young guys have dreams....but little money :) SO things stuck with rims, some spoilers and a OMP rally seat

With this car I went to switserland to a Tina Turner concert together with my (now) brother in law... Well I can tell you, you never had such a uncomfortable journey with a chair like that.... My crownjewels were bruised by the hard seat.... But hey, anything for the cool looks :) We stoppen ever 150 km for a break... :)

Again I had a lot of fun with this car, and to be honest it was a cool one to, not so fancy with all kinds of stickers and so, just a nice set of rims and the rally seat... I have been through a lot of great things with that car , maybe I will post some later.. :)

Here are some pictures of what I would love to have my Ascona looked like in the end :)




So, what was your first car?

Have a great day

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A friend of mine had one of those Manta's in the early 90's. He use to refer to it as a boat. They are quite long boatish cars.

Yes they had a long nose and looked indeed (with a bit of imagination) like a boat... A friend of mine used to have one too....

Maybe with Steem you can buy another one

hahah, if you want to buy a good one these days you pay way to much , :) they are rare

My first car was an Oldsmobile Omega. It sounds a lot cooler than it was. It as basically a grocery getter sedan. It was a nice car though.

Hahah but its still cool :)

Have no idea about these cars, but love your enthused memories of your first car. No one ever forgets their first car. Mine was a 1971 Valiant (I was the early 90's when Igot it) and whenever Isee one now Iget all googly eyed and love struck...

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