Daily Celestial Challenge - Thursday-Forces Nature. The Universal Deluge.

Hey friends, I send you a big hello. We read in another entry of the heavenly challenge and this time I want to talk about The Universal Deluge (Genesis 7).

In almost all cultures there are references to the Flood in the time of Noah, and it is alluded to in the Qur'an widely. The indifference of the people of the prophet Noah to the advice and warnings of the latter, his reactions and the events that took place, is detailed in many verses. The archaeological, geological and historical studies show that this episode took place precisely as it is related in the Koran. The Flood is also described in a very similar way in many records of ancient civilizations and in many historical documents, although the character and names of places vary, and everything that "happened to a lost people" is presented to contemporaries as a warning.

In addition to relating the Flood in the Old and New Testaments, it is found very similarly in the Sumerian and Assyrian-Babylonian records, in Greek legends, in the legends of India, in some Welsh legends of the British Isles , in the Nordic Eddas, in the Lithuanian legends and even in some stories of Chinese origin. Now I ask, if it is assumed that the Universal Flood did not occur? How is it possible to find detailed and relevant information in culturally distinct places that are geographically far from each other and from the region of the flood? Coincidence? I do not think so.

On many occasions the discovery of Noah's Ark has been announced, the great ark was filled with two animals of each species destined to repopulate the Earth. In 1960, the formation of a ship was seen in an aerial photograph on Mount Everest. The shape seen in the photograph was approximately 150 meters long, which according to some archaeologists said that it could be the floating zoo, although the discovery was discredited by the scientific community. According to the Bible, the ark was 137 meters long by 22 meters wide by 13 meters high.

More recently, in 2010, National Geographic reported that a team of "evangelical Christian explorers" claimed to have found the wooden remains of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey. Without a doubt, the stories we find in the Bible are usually hard to believe but over the years we realize that they are not really crazy.

In the 1990s, marine geologists from Columbia University William Ryan and Walter Pitman gathered compelling evidence to show that a major flood occurred in the Middle East about 7,500 years ago. Geologists proposed the theory that an increase of the Mediterranean Sea created a channel, currently known as the Bosphorus Strait. Imagine the force of the flood that completely altered the geography of the earth along with its fauna and flora.

Nowadays, human beings live with the fear that this type of catastrophes will occur, the heating of the poles could produce this type of colossal catastrophes worldwide. We are already suffering part of these consequences, the hurricanes of the Caribbean in 2017 were a total climatic phenomenon that left millions of people homeless and claimed several lives. Another example is the cold wave that is hitting the US, are things that are beyond the control of man but that were caused by their lack of stewardship with the land. "The earth suffers for the sins of its inhabitants, because they have twisted God's instructions, violated their laws and broken their eternal covenant." Isaiah 24: 5.
Let's not put ourselves like the people in the time of Noah and the ark, let's open our hearts to God so that our earth may heal.

We read in the next opportunity, greetings.

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:

Tuesday-Animal kingdom
Friday- LoveBeautyFreedom

For more information about the challenge, see the publication:



The days of Noah was wonderful..power of God was seen just that men have hard ears to hear

You are right in that. Regards!

God made use of the forces of nature(flood) to wipe away the disobedient people in the time of Noah.

This is how you say and it was so shocking that we still talk about it.

I agree with you... The lesson we have learnt in the time of Noah and the ark is that we should be obedient to the voice of God... If we obey the voice of God, we will not be destroyed with the forces of nature...nice and informative post...

You are right, if we listen to the voice of God and obey it, we can achieve mercy.

excellent post

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