Teach Them Young - Kindness Meter // Celengan Alat Meter Parkiran

in #charity6 years ago (edited)

Back in 2015, my then 5 yo son found a video on YouTube about kindness meters and he was asking how come there was not any in our city.

Have you heard of this pretty awesome project or initiative? Turning old parking meters into charity meters, where one can share some change to the less fortunate ones? The coins collected will be distributed to local organizations who provide assistants to the homeless and whatnot.


In a way or two, this is to discourage panhandlers.

These kinds of meters are painted pretty colorful so it will be easy to spot and people would know that those are the charity ones instead the regular working parking meters.

You can find them in Europe, Australia, and a couple of years back we started hearing about it appearing in B.C, Canada (where we are) as well, but sadly not in our city, yet.

To our surprise though, we found one yesterday, in Alberta (also in Canada, a province right next to B.C)!

The kids were pretty excited when they spotted it 😍😍😍😍 My boys, ladies and gentlemen, have always loooooovvveeeed finding charity boxes wherever, whenever, and "kidnapping" all the coins from my purse, gloves compartment in the car or begging much to their father, just so that they can drop them coins in 😁 I do love that the boys understand that they ought to help whenever they see posters of sick kids, sad pets, etc. and there are the charity boxes under those posters.

Funny was, the kindness meter we found yesterday was inside a building, so very different to the ones we saw in news. No wonder we never spotted any before, as we have been visiting the city every now and then and only yesterday we learned there was one!

Have you got a kindness meter where you reside?

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Hai teman!

Jumpa lagi, meski bukan resep 😁

Kami baru balik dari luar kota beberapa jam yang lalu, dan aku langsung tancap gas mengunjungi blog teman2 yang menggunakan tag #ramadan-tkf. Wah ga terasa sudah mau berakhir nih tag karena bentar lagi dah mau Lebaran 😊 Sudah balik kampung kah? Sudah bikin kue kering kah?

Disini dah malam, dah siap2 mo bobo, tapi aku ingin bercerita sedikit akan kindness meter, yaitu program di negara2 luar yang mengubah tiang alat meter parkiran menjadi celengan, untuk membantu orang2 yang kurang mampu.


Program ini diadakan untuk mengurangi peminta2, jadi uang yang masuk celengan akan dibagikan ke organisasi yang membantu orang2 yang membutuhkan. Ide yang bagus kan? Kalau peminta2 kan keseringan uangnya bisa disalah gunakan seperti untuk membeli miras, nah kalau melalui organisasi, diharapkan benar2 orang yang butuh bantuanlah yang mendapatkan bantuan.

Kemarin pas kami keluar kota, pas nemu satu kindness meter, anak2 jadi heboh deh 🤣 Selama ini kita sering lihatnya hanya di TV soalnya, dan baru kemarin nemu 🤣 Anak2ku memang selama ini selalu hobi bagi2 koin ke kotak2 amal, tapi karena kindness meter ini sering banget di YouTube pas mereka sedang online, jadi mereka yah sangat senang ketika menemukan meter parkiran tersebut 😁

Semoga suatu hari Indonesia pun bisa ada kindness meter, biar yang butuh batuan bisa benar2 ditolong, agar tidak ada adik2 usia sekolah yang malah harus membantu orang tua mereka, atau yang sudah renta, kasihan kan pada di pinggir jalan berdebu 🙁

Oke deh teman, segini dulu yah, semoga hari kalian menyenangkan 🤗

VOTE thekitchenfairy sebagai saksi (witness) di https://steemit.com/~witnesses. Dalam kolom yang tersedia ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE


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Wow, this is so cool. I did not know these existed. Hadn't seen them here in San Antonio.

Thanks for sharing @thekitchenfairy. Wonderful thing for the Community and helping people :)

howdy @thekitchenfairy!!! well, let me get this straight.
Ya'll actually believe that the money you put into those machines
is all going to the homeless?
my my my. Ya'll have good hearts, God bless you!
hey I voted for you for witness and I'm not even sure what
they do but I believe in you kitchenfairy!

I haven't seen one in my area but I haven't been out much recently and definitely not to areas they would be. Will keep an eye out in case my little backwater has one hidden somewhere XD


I love this idea! What a fun post, thanks for sharing. :)

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