in #charlesfuchs5 years ago


What's up STACKERS!

I'm going to share a little "weight loss" secret of mine that I've been doing for over 6 years that keeps me lean all year around, well kinda.

I don't believe in all those fad diets or magic pills that you see everywhere... most of them are just temporary fixes that only last a few months.

Most people will just gain it all back plus more. 🤷🏼‍♂️

It's kinda funny when I tell people that I feel fat and out of shape when I gained a few LBS. In most people eyes, they still say I'm pretty fit.

Anytime I pass over 15% body fat, I consider that being overweight but most people say thats being in shape.

What can I say? I just have high standards. 🤣

So what is the secret in staying lean all year around? There is no secret, just stop eating all the damn time haha. Just hear me out...

What worked for me in last 8 years is something called Intermittent Fasting. What is it you say?

There is something called Google, go look it up. jk 😉

In other words, I don't eat breakfast or lunch... only at dinner time around 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm.

Yes, It's that simple. I tend to eat whatever I want and my body just burns it right off.

So what did I have earlier today?

I felt like having some Chipotle. What's in it? Just double rice, double chicken, double beans... including ice cream, kombucha, snack bars, and chips. Tons of food! 😬

How many calories is all that, beats me! I don't do that "counting calories' stuff. All I know is that I'm really stuffed right now. 🙇🏼

Who needs to starve themselves and eat like a rabbit to get lean... all diets are considered scams in my book. lol

So when you have time, DYOR (Do your own research) on Intermittent Fasting. It will and can change your life. For Reals...

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

~ Charles Fuchs

For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.



I do IF as well help my symptoms of my neurological disease. My tremors and pain are so much better. I’m so much stronger, too!

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That’s another huge thing IF does. Helps you focus more and heals the body 😀

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Good post on food.

I tried it in the past but from 10am-4pm daily and I also combined it with Keto diet which was interesting as the weight came off so quickly! However, keto is tough to upkeep when I’m the only one in the household doing it!

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I dont do those other things, I love tons of carbs haha

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What are your thoughts on fasted workouts? I haven’t tried it yet, but I think I might...

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I only workout when fasted! Use the fat as fuel 😂

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A buddy of mine is doing this and lost a lot of weight.

It works, it’s like more of a lifestyle than anything else 😀

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if only i lived closer to a chipotle lol 😂

There like one every 3 miles in Vegas, I’m addicted 😂

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I have heard of something like that.
Some people just skip breakfast all together and they eat after 🕛.
Whatever works for you just stick to it.

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Yeah, there is like a 4-12 hour window to eat... depending what a person wants to do 😀

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You may learn from the fasting boss😎👉 @chuck2u32 He's 68 and soon will be starting a 1 week fasting just when his Thanksgiving leftovers go🦃🤣 https://steemit.com/veterans/@chuck2u32/paleo-fasting

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I’m just gonna go eat some pizza now haha

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Yummy😋 Send a slice with ananás🍍😃🍕

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that's so ironic that you posted this. I just learned about fasting and I started today. My dinner was Chipotle. A bowl with double rice, double chicken but no beans. Cheese and tomatoes instead. I like your style!

Usually I leave the beans out because they ran out of lettuce 😂

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Well I'd say your bowl is decent but I'm not a lettuce guy. I would most likely be adding sour cream for the perfect Bowl. I go to the Chipotle in Beverly Hills and they laugh at me because I won't try anything different

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I see your kombucha 👍🏽.my new favorite drink.that I try to buy once a week.i love the stuff.
Thank you for sharing your post 😁



You got the good one! 😬

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