How stress affects your unborn child and cerebral atrophy

in #children6 years ago

Thanks and because of my work area, I meet all kinds of people; children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.

Some teens who are aged physically, but the mental age / cognitive equals a baby, a baby up to one year.

Today I met a wonderful mother and her boy Radu.

He is diagnosed with cerebral atrophy.

Why? There are multiple reasons for it, but the most important is the stressful period of the mother when Radu was just a zygote until the age of 7 months when he was born.


The mother had a normal marriage, harmony and love was present everyday in their life, until one point; when she found out that her husband was having an affair with another woman. In that period she was pregnant.

When the husband found out that she was pregnant, he stood by her, but not all the time, so he had a double life and the wife knew and was desperate.

Because of all the stress created by this situation, she could not keep the baby 9 months, and she delivered at only 7 months.

Abandoned in the hospital, it seems like the baby felt her frustration, anger and disappointment in a way. The connection between them was so powerful that he was crying every time his mother was crying.

The relationship with the other woman continued, the husband did not want to let her go even if he had a new born baby at home, and a boy.

All seemed fine with the baby, but at 6 months, the baby had the first epilepsy crisis and in that moment he was diagnosed with this terrible condition of cerebral atrophy.

The father left the house, and got the divorce, moved with the other woman and now he has children with her but never comes to visit Radu.

What can I say ... I am so happy that I met them, that I can help them with something, with my knowledge and everything I bring with myself.

I do not blame the husband, maybe he got scared, I do not blame the mother, maybe she considered the best to try to manage the situation and to not limit his freedom ... I blame it only the sistem.

Because I am the 14th person who visited them, the others 13th got scared (because Radu has seizures all day long)...from my point of view, if you get scared and do not have the strength to work with children with special needs, choose another domain to work in. These children need us, they need to see a laugh, they need to see a person who wants to touch their hands and not to hold back.

To continue, I want to make all of you aware of how the stress affects an unborn child and what truly means cerebral atrophy.

I will try to make it short for you to not get bored reading it ... Thank you!


A certain level of stress is perfectly normal during pregnancy or at any other time of life.

But when stress becomes constant, its effect on you and your child may be some time.

When you become a mother is one of the most beautiful in life. But at the same time it is also extremely fragile.

When another life depends on you for living, you'll automatically feel a certain level of stress and there is nothing abnormal.

You are entitled to experience panic, frustration and sometimes even depression.

But too high a level of stress can cause problems in pregnancy, as you'll learn below.

The higher the stress level, the higher the level of hormones that the body produces.

Manage stress differently because an overwhelming situation for a person may be overlooked by another.

The studies are not accurate on the exact relationship between stress and pregnancy, but it seems that the worst forms of stress, such as a death in the family can have the greatest impact.

When the body is in a state of stress, the body enters a designated operation mode fight or flight, conveying high levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

These hormones normally occur when you are in danger.

They're preparing to flee conveying a surplus of energy in the muscles and making your heart pump blood faster. If you can cope with a stressful situation, the body will rebalance again.

The stress is really devastating when it never stops. Thus, a constant level of stress can alter stress management system in the body, causing it to overreact and trigger an inflammatory response. Inflammation, in turn, has been correlated with poor health in pregnancy and developmental problems for babies.

In normal life situations, these hormones are not harmful and their level decreases with reducing stress. But if it persists, hormones can wreak the body and can also have an impact on the baby.

Tips for stress in pregnancy

Is obvious that as long as you're pregnant stress will not disappear as if by magic.

But respect some tips, may help: eat a healthy diet / balanced and regular intervals, perform regular exercise (if your doctor agrees) to practice meditation exercises (help you relax), to focus on hobby / try to do things that you like to talk about your feelings with family and friends, not worrying excessively and, not least, to talk to a specialist.


Cerebral atrophy

Atrophy of the brain known as the cerebral atrophy, is the destruction of neurons, the loss of cell connections in the brain.

Among the most common causes of cerebral atrophy include stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

Atrophy can affect cells in certain areas of the brain - leading to loss of function of those areas - can affect the whole cellular system or in the brain, leading to loss of neurological function.

Lesion or dysfunction can occur during pregnancy, during birth or in the first 2-3 years of life.

C.A. due to premature birth is linked to impaired brain development. Children born prematurely are at increased risk of brain hemorrhage (intraventricular hemorrhage, or IV H). Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), a disease of the white matter of the brain, is more common in babies born prematurely than in those born at term. Both IV H and PVL, increase the risk of C.A.

Signs of severe cerebral atrophy can be observed immediately after birth, include:

  • difficulty in sucking and swallowing;

  • poor tablet or sharp;

  • abnormal positions; or body is very relaxed and soft or too rigid; when hugged, babies can expand back, arms and legs, these abnormal positions are different and more severe than those occurring in children with colic.

Cerebral palsy that affects the whole body is causing the biggest problems.

HP severe spasticity and athetosis (dyskinetic, involuntary jerking movements) are forms of CA total.

Many of those affected can not care for themselves, either because of severe functional impotence or because of mental retardation. However, some patients can live with family members or persons qualified to do so.

Complications that access epileptic or other chronic physical impairment of CP can be difficult to diagnose before one up to three years.

Sometimes such predictions are possible only at school age when learning skills, communication and other skills can be quantified. The degree of support and supervision depends on the number and severity of the problems.


My dear friends, take care of you, of your life, of your family!

With love, @laviniatherapist!



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