
Howdy paulag! I understand and I'm sorry to hear that you went through something so painful. I truly believe that most of us wouldn't be able to even think about forgiveness unless many years had passed. If then!

Yea my friends wife killed their 3 year old last year. Suffocation . They have another child that is 2 now. She has been released on bail, the hearing is this month. She is obviously being charged with murder but my friend, he forgives her and wants his son to have a mother. A bit nuts really and I struggle deeply with it. I have tried to stand by my friend and I dont let him know how I feel. Many others wont support him supporting her at all, even her family. Some people just have amazing compassion.

Oh my gosh! That is amazing. I can see why you are torn to support your friend but what an unforgivable(to us humans) crime!

I think she's going to be serving time and won't be able to help raise the 2 yr old anyway. Wow. Very disturbing but he had great compassion indeed!

after spending just over a year in a mental hospital, there is a chance she will walk free. It's a bit nuts. so nuts I still can't get my head around it all. Under the current bail conditions, she is not allowed home, but she is allowed to see her other child under supervised conditions. If the case goes ahead this month, it will be an intersting month....

Oh if that trial happens it's going to be another controversial one, will they be charging her with murder? But your friend wants to give her another chance, that's amazing.

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