Round moon cakes show mid-Autumn Day , miss relatives twice every festival !圆圆月饼话中秋, 每逢佳节倍思亲!

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


Today my niece sent back a few boxes of moon cakes from abroad. She says that the Mid Autumn Festival is coming and buy a box of moon cakes for eveyone. Though she lives abroad, miss her relatives in the country . It is really kind of her to do that and we felt very moved by her .


In fact, now everyone's standard of living has improved a lot , maybe few people like to eat mooncakes . For me, I always feel that the moon cake is too oily, too sweet, too high sugar content, it is said that a moon cake is equivalent to two bowls of Steamed Rice. I am aftraid I wouldn’t like to eat it any more.



Speaking of moon cakes, it reminds us of Wang Wei's poem, "miss your relatives twice every festival ". Yes, in a foreign land, every festival will think of distant relatives. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is usually a emotional holiday for men of literature to write . especially famour for the poem written by Su Shi " Shui Diao Ge Tou "


pic source Baidu

The Mid Autumn Festival is in August fifteen every year. It is the festival which people worship the moon , enjoy the moon, eat the moon, enjoy the sweet scented osmanthus and drink osmanthus wine custom and so on . People do these things to express their feelings of missing the loved ones, for a bumper harvest and happiness! Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival has become one of the four major traditional festivals in China, only second to the spring festival in China .

There are many legends about the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon, rabbit, cutting GUI Wu Gang etc.
Legend about moon cakes


Moon cake symbolizes reunion, which is a necessary sacrifice for the Mid-Autumn Festival and the worship of the land. The custom of eating moon cakes during the Mid Autumn Festival was handed down from the late Yuan dynasty.



There are many kinds of moon cakes, such as square, round, heart-shaped and various shapes. There are hundreds of fillings in it. In any case, the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon, are pinned on the desire for reunion, and hope for a happy festival.


Thank you for reading. Hope you like it!

今天外甥女从国外寄回了几盒月饼, 说是中秋节快到了,给大家买点月饼,这孩子, 人在国外, 还想着给家里的亲人快递月饼,也真是难为她这一片心了!

其实,现在大家的生活水平高了, 对于月饼只是形式上的美食, 真要是吃起来, 恐怕没有几个人说愿意吃月饼,反正对于我来说, 我总觉得月饼油性太大,又太甜,含糖量太高,一块月饼据说相当于两碗米饭,让我望而生畏,不想多吃。

说道月饼,就会让人想起王维的诗句,“每逢佳节倍思亲”。 是啊, 身在异乡,每到节日就会想到远方的亲人。因此中秋节也通常是文人墨客表达情感节日。 关于诗词最喜欢的莫过于苏轼的“水调歌头”



关于中秋节有许多传说,其中有嫦娥奔月, 玉兔捣药,吴刚伐桂等等。

嫦娥奔月是最为广泛流传的。 而嫦娥奔月也有好多个版本,但是有一点是共通的:嫦娥是射日英雄后羿之妻,王母感谢后羿射日之功,赠之不死仙药。而嫦娥因故吃了仙药,无法逗留地面,飞天奔月而去。从此成了广寒宫里的月美佳人。


元朝末年,汉人打算团结起来反抗蒙古人的统治,却苦于无从传递消息。后来刘伯温想出一条计策,到处散布流言,说有冬瘟流行,除非家家户户都在中秋节买月饼来吃,才能避免。人们买了月饼回到家中,发觉里面藏着纸条,上面写着:“中秋夜,杀鞑子,迎义军!” 于是众人纷纷起义反抗统治者,中秋节吃月饼的习俗就是这样留下来的。

月饼的样式也有很多, 方形的, 圆形的, 心形的, 各种形状。里面的馅也是多达百种。 无论如何,中秋赏月,都是寄托了人们渴望团圆,企盼幸福美好的节日。



Looks delicious

maybe , i will taste it this evening . thanks !

Great job bro.this post now in hot list.i resteem it

thank you !welcome !

thanks ! i cut it and taste it , not bad, delicious !

@bxt This is awesome! Love it.

thanks ! welcome !

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thank you , glad you like it !

work very well
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恩, 我也是!

With less than 2 weeks to go before the mooncake festival arrives, Hong Kong is already getting ready to embrace the annual tradition of eating this sweet and delicious desert.

yeah, many kinds of mooncakes have been sold in the shopping market , prepare to welcome the festival !


恩, 个人口味不同, 我还是喜欢莲蓉的, 和老式月饼!

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