寫在忙碌的一天之後 | After one busy day

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


今天早上起來發了篇文章去參加 @rivalhw 大偉哥的"月旦評"比賽。之後就忙碌於處理家中每天必要做的事。稍稍有空閒之際,又得到 @deanliu 劉美女的邀請到老道茶館做個店小二招呼一下客人,這是我期待已久的機會,當然是立刻應承下來。

I posted my article for @rivalhw's "Jubilee Review" competition. I was busy with my daily household works. When things settled down, @deanliu invited me to support today's "LAODR Tea House", I had been waiting for this opportunities for months, so I agreed at once.



While supporting the Tea House in the morning, I was also busy taking care of my daughters. I had to take my younger daughter to Optical store for her second pair of glasses as her short-sight problem got worse in 6 months time. I had to take them for late lunch after getting home. It was normal that weekends are more busy than weekdays, today was even busier as my wife was sick.



I rushed to funeral house later to help out at one of my old friend's mother's funeral. My friend and I went to same primary and secondary schools and she is also my daughters' god mother. A group of us, who know each other for more than 30 years, went to mourning hall to provide our support.


幫忙過後,幾個老朋友就一起吃晚餐。談天說地,由子女的教育,到朋友的丈夫要到那裡去旅遊,到家中的打印機應該買那一部,一直談到餐廳趕客才依依不捨的離開。雖然香港只是個彈丸之地,但要集齊今天晚上的幾個朋友再吃個晚餐,並不是打一、兩個電話或是發一兩信息便可做到的事。可能下次再聚會又要是差不多的情況之下了。 就像我在 @deanliu文章中回覆中說的,我們一班人已經到了一個出席喪禮的頻率比出席婚禮高很多的年齡。

After a busy day, we went out for dinner. We talked for long time about many topics, virtually almost anything we concerned. We didn't want to stop as it was very difficult to gather all of us, even thought Hong Kong was so small. Maybe we could only meet again during similar situation. Just like what I commented at @deanliu's post, I were at the age that going to funeral would be more frequent than to wedding.


剛剛回家在浴室洗澡之際,突然想到今日這忙碌的一天,正好就是現階段我的生活的縮影:平日忙於家庭 (照顧女兒,寵物,甚至太太),同時要兼顧事業 (工作,Steemit), 想和老朋友相聚?居然要在喪禮時才能實現。幸好現今通訊科技先進,我們一班老朋友在自己的群組中仍然不時互相溝通。不然的話可能真的如廣東話的一句俚語「有咩留返拜山先講」(字面上的意思即有說話留待掃墓時才說吧,但實際上是叫人現在什麼都不用說)那麼悲哀。

When I was having shower, I realized that this busy day was a time lapse of my life : Busy taking care of the family(pets, daughters, wife), at the same time my career should also be well taken care of (job, Steemit). Want to meet with old friends, need to wait for someone's funeral. Luckily, nowadays communication technoligies are so mature that we can still interact in our chat groups.


想到這裏,我就突然驚覺到自己原來跟朋友接觸的時間是短得那麼可憐,為了讓上面所說的悲情不致成真,我提醒自己要多找機會和朋友聚會,見面。當然家人亦不可忽略。珍惜眼前人是老生常談,但今天我的感受至深。如果你看我這篇「牙痛文學」到這裏,那麼希望你不會怪我多口的再說一句 - 要珍惜你身邊的親人,朋友。珍惜和他們見面和聚會的機會!

I could tell that I didn't have much time spent with my friends. I should spend more time with them as well as my family. We always say that we should treasure people who we care, but today the emotion was very strong. If you managed to read this far, allow me to advise you not to overlook your friends and families!


圖片來源 | Image Source : Pixabay


great post like it

foe should be for. :-)





你真的好忙呀。不像我,现在在度假,可以翘着二郎腿看Steemit。:)。说玩笑归玩笑,确实现在大家都忙,难得朋友一见 有机会见一定要珍惜。






Lol. 年轻人才有这体力!




You got my vote and a resteem :)

Thank you very much

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