Making Backpacking Coffee

in #coffee6 years ago

A warm cup of coffee is a great way to start the day.

For many backcountry enthusiasts, having that cup of coffee marks the beginning of their morning routine. Some people can’t function without having their coffee first. Below are tips for making that cup of Joe in the backcountry.

Deciding What Coffee to Bring Backpacking

Before the trip begins, consider what coffee to pack. Coffee drinkers with less discerning taste might opt for instant coffee, as it’s quick to make. However, coffee aficionados will turn up their noses to the ready-made stuff, and will want their coffee fresh. Therefore, for the sake of morale, it is better to bring along fresh coffee. This can come in several ways:

  • Packaged ground coffee.
  • Coffee ground from beans at home.
  • Coffee beans ground in the backcountry.

If part of an expedition, check with the group ahead of time on what they want. Would the members want community coffee, or bring their own?

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Backpacking Coffee French Press

A French press is easy to use, and can provide several servings of coffee. Coffee presses can come in several varieties, and can be made of glass or stainless steel. For a large group it can be worth the weight. However, an individual can buy a small press that is also part of an insulated mug.

Adding extras to Backpacking Coffee

Just because you’re on a long trip doesn’t mean that the coffee has to be bland. There are several ways to add variety. For instance:

  • Use powdered milk to substitute for cream.
  • Experiment with the spice kit to add flavor, such as cinnamon or hazelnut.
  • Add hot chocolate to make mocha.
  • Have leftover liquid coffee after breakfast? Instead of throwing it away, pour it in a water bottle and add cold water for an imitation iced coffee.

Disposing Backpacking Coffee Ground

Disposing of the coffee grounds can be a concern for Leave No Trace principles, as well as a safety issue in bear country. For short weekend trips, it might be best to pack the used coffee grounds out. However, on long expeditions this isn’t very practical. Throwing the grounds into a campfire and burning them is another idea.

Some people do spread the grounds widely to disperse them. However, this isn’t very low-impact, as coffee generally isn’t a part of many of the natural habitats one visits. Also the smell could attract animals, including bears. Any smell that is unusual or not a normal part of its environment could be a bear attractant. When in doubt, ask the local land manager on what would be the best thing to do, and whether there are trash disposal options along the route.

Coffee is a great thing to bring along on a trip that adds comfort, and for some, might be of vital importance for keeping one’s morale up on a backpacking trip.

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