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RE: Greens

in #colorchallenge6 years ago

Thank you so much my friend! Who would not want to be kind to you, as you treat the world as your best neighbor.

Do not worry if you miss Market Friday this week. I'm not sure you've ever missed one and I admire your due diligence and always making sure you make everybody's challenge. I wish I could be as good. No, I wish I could be one quarter as good. I find myself in a position of having no time and then scrambling to finish things. If it makes you feel any better I'm still finishing up the last of the market Friday from last week. The harder I run the more I get behind.

This too shall pass. Better days are coming, or at best, calmer days.


calmer days is a good thing, just looking through my unedited images to see if I have anything i can use for tomorrow time will tell

sorry but for such a kind comment I have to tip!

Do you remember what a tip war feels like? Too bad I don't have time at the moment!

And thank you for the tip!

Ohh yes I remember but also dont have the time, but you have been tipping me now and again so I think we can let this one tip! go :)

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