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RE: The Enceladus Anomaly - Other Characters: Borya Gólubev.

in #comics5 years ago

@pepoarte ... it might seem a bit discouraging after the huge bump you got from being featured but it takes time to find a niche, and specially a lot of handshaking lol ... i'm not sure since i'm more of a diy person and a loner but there are more, but i think they want tags and mentions, curie for one thing i have seen vote on some of the music vids, very occasionally and there used to be @sndbox #sndbox , also promoting creative content, it can be a bit mis-leading as i (still after years) have the impression that a lot of people came here seeing a medium-derivative, focused on writing so some seem to have a limited view of what constitutes creative content, but certainly not all . Don't let it stop you from exposing your work , please :)

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