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RE: “Read a Damn Book – 124: Reinventing Comics”

in #comics5 years ago

I hadn't seen this book before but will check it out. The digital realm is really interesting; not only can Detective Comics 1000 be immediately downloaded, but it can be changed, edited, and reworked for future consumers who want to download it and read it. With no hard copies, anything could be reworked. You see that comment with regular books in digital form and Orwell, but comics could be just as easily manipulated

And it's interesting to think how the idea, or the archetype, of a story could possibly be adjusted to tweak the human brain's consumption of a comic book story in digital form (vs the paper versions). Fascinating stuff - thinking I drank too much coffee this morning. Thanks for this share


hmmm. I don't like the idea of a comics situation where the work is always edited, in a state of perpetual redaction. Some of the most imaginative eras of Batman, for instance (60's), could be wiped out in seconds by a curmudgeon who things the zebra stripe costume is "not cannon."

Interesting objection. I imagine some kind of archiving network in place (a blockchain would work for this, naturally) where each revision or reimagining or differentiation in storyline is archived and the readers (and creators) can see the entirety as a garden of forking paths ("Praise Borges!") or a narrative subway system, with common stops and major through lines.

Readers could then follow each path as they wished, reading the variations, contributing if they want to, ignoring those that don't appeal to them... All possible stories remain intact, but the narrative can exist simultaneously in numerous versions (alternate realities, if you will.) Marvel tried this, in a limited sense, with What If and D.C. gave us Elseworlds, and the primary storylines remained unaffected by the variations.

It would be sprawling and unruly and confusing for some, but it's possible for a set-up like this to exist. I'd be interested in contributing, if someone with more programming skill wanted to put it together... Start with fresh characters and situations, and then see where the stories go!

Posted using Partiko Android

Now THAT is an idea I can get behind. It's what superhero comics do naturally, but crowd sourced and accelerated. As if every 10 year old's notebook comic, and every fan fiction, and every scrapped idea on the floor of the cartoonist all held equal footing.

Ha! On my first cup, personally, but yeah. Digital allows for some interesting developments. Collaboration, multiple storylines, all kinds of stuff. Time for another cup o' joe!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

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