NATIVE || Build and Be a part of YOUr Community.

in #community6 years ago (edited)

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Do you feel that you can improve your productivity, only if you collaborate with the "right" people? I feel so too.😏
Native is just the community for you.

What is Native?

Native is an Ethereum based platform that provides a fundamental framework for valuing and operating communities via the local currencies it allows community owner creates and the decision-making tools it sets at their disposal. With the aim to bring the capabilities and possibilities of the blockchain technology and decentralized digital economy and currency to the most non-technical of communities, Native intuitively adds templates to its community development platform, to overcome the barriers of technical know-how involved in adopting this technology to any desired know-how level community and hurdles involved operating in community by every member.

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Why was Native Designed?

Although the required tools existed in the blockchain technology toolbox, the structures and mechnanisms required to create and operate value-driven communities were quite distant from non-technical individuals. Some platform had to bridge this gap or better still, pull the capabilities of the blockchain tech to the non tech savvy individuals, in order to achieve more objectives.
A much more important consideration or inspiration which birthed the Native project in the founder - Jake Vartanian - is the realization that energy, value and attention are pretty much the same and as humans, we give more value, energy or attention towards what we love the most. But then we are not the only ones who love what we love, there are almost countless people who do so too. However, there's a lack of coordination between these individuals and so, they can only achieve little.
The Native project, which is already launched, reduces the technical difficulty required to build and run an economy and value system around what people love to do or not do, to nothing and also helps value these created communities against each other on a global network. To put into perspective, Native can be seen as foundation for further actualization of the quote; "Success is not the key to happiness, rather happiness is the key to success. So do what you love." As such, building any local or digital collective on Native breeds some the following benefits;

  • The value system that Native creates within collectives by allowing every single one of them create their own independent local currency easily, opens more options for funds sourcing such as local ICOs or local token sales, in addition to the other existing traditional models such as bank loans, VC and crowdfunding. This is reasonable because individual and institutional Investors would expect a rise in price of these tokens as a result of the community activities which increases token utility and hence, an increase it's market value.
  • As nature has often quietly taught, uncoordinated energy can achieve so little, because of the high entropy. Native brings coordination to collectives via its low level technical know-how decision making tools which makes up its polling feature. This feature allows community members to fully commit and participate in the activities of his/her chosen platform by being involved in the collective decision making process.
  • You know what they say, "Money makes the world go round". It applies to communities or collectives as well. As regards this, we can comfortably say that "Native makes collectives go round"😂, as it provides a global framework for the recognition and redeeming of value. In other words, Native injects value into any community created on it, which will power the "going round" of that community.

The Native Ecosystem

The Native Tokenomy.

The local currencies which Native allows collective create to power their operations is made possible by the Bancor Protocol. The Bancor Protocol allows for the deployment of Bancor Smart Tokens which are valued by a base currency held in reserve. In addition to this, the Bancor Protocol also consists of an autonomous market-making algorithm which allows for an intermediary and second party free conversion between tokens in a fair and transparent manner. In short, because the community tokens deployed within Natives are Bancor Smart Tokens, they are seamlessly convertible between one another.
Inherited from the Bancor protocol, Native uses a steady flow kind of token model called continous token model. The concept of this token model is wrapped around continous minting and burning of tokens as users interact with the smart contracts. Although similar to the traditional token model of initially creating an arbitrary amount of tokens and then keeping supply stable, the continous token model has additional benefits of;

Instant liquidity for Tokens at the calculated price.
Accurate indicators of market size and activity.
Currency value based on tangible results rather than speculation - in other words more tokens won’t be generated unless they are needed.

Native Smart Token contracts is designed to split funds spent on it, in order to cater for community spending (community fund), price and supply modifications as regards market volatility rated in percentages which are referred to as connector weight in the smart token converter and also add value to the existing token supply. This split of funds is fully flexible. In other words, every community token has its unique split determined by the community creator, with Native making the best recommendations for whatever community type the creator has in mind. By polling, this initial funds split can be adjusted to better suit what the community has grown into.
The Native Token (NTV), is the base currency on which all other community tokens are valued on. It holds a reserve of Bancor Network Token (BNT) which can be subjected to change ( to another Currency or a combination of currencies) as well from a collective decision of the Native community. Native has the following initial funds diversion;

Community Fund - 50%
Smart Token Converter - 10%
Connector Balance - 40%

Community currencies also has a standardized conversion splits of its own.see Native whitepaper for details
From assesments of the performances of established communities, Native will make recommendations to other communities being set up.

See Infographic below for more understanding.

Native Communities & Participation.

The redefinition of the relationship between communities and the value concept of economy is not one that has been seen before, as Native provides an ecosystem to coordinate collaboration and value interactions, all at a low cost, technically and financially. This combination of communities and value, allows Native to completely remould the "acceptable" career in our conventional society, opening up the possibilities of getting rewarded for unorthodox passion.

Having said the above, what are these communities and how can anyone participate in them?

The Ecosystem that Native creates allows different people with aligned interests to collaborate and utilize available community funds to achieve tasks which increases the valuation of this community. There's no Coercion with Native and users are completely free to decide which community they'd like to belong to and it's most likely to be one which shares the same passion as them. If found, the community is joined by purchasing and hodling the community's tokens via Native Tokens. Being a hodler of the community tokens entitles you to some community rights which include participation in the community listed tasks, Voting in or out community curators, Accepting or rejecting community project proposals and also receive rewards based on community tasks completed. The community currency will definitely be a medium of exchange within it. The amount of community currency needed to belong to a particular native is determined by the community curators at its creation. Say you don't find an existing community with aligned interests, you can easily create one, with the technicality-free tools which Native provides and then sell your community tokens as well to those interested in your community vision and mission. Native already has six(6) pilot communities which as earlier stated will be assessed by the Native team for performances. The results from these assesments will be used to make recommendations when new communities will be created. Some of them include;
  • DOLO is a Decentralized Open Learning Organization which aims to achieve more smart self consolidated learning, by rewarding all its stakeholders for Learning tasks completed.

  • EARTH GUARDIANS is a non-profit community of young people being empowered and geared towards achieving environmental Justice.

Others include;

  • Imaginal Films.

  • SDG Futures.

  • Peace Accelerators.

  • The Rick and Morty Crew.

    Native's intuitive interface which allows for fluid user navigation contains a dashboard where the overall activity of a community can be viewed at a glance. Some information that can be found on it include; Active project proposals, available tasks and membership history. Web3 wallets are required to gain entrance to user communities as they are implemented in identity and transacting mechnanism within Native.

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The vision of Native beyond doubt is to bring together people with aligned interests and get them working on what they legitimately love, in order to improve their output and yield. An ecosystem like this builds not just the value of these communities alone, but the world in general, as there are some interest-links which connects different community economy on Native and other sections of the world economy not yet implemented on Native. Let's explore these "Imaginary-Interest Links" a little.

Native changes the way communities are built, operated and Interacted with. Prior to Native, Communities had a bunch of "misfits". Individuals which happen to find themselves among people who neither shared the same interests with them or values, all because of Life's storms. And these unfortunate individuals had to endure these community placements because of the benefits they derived from it, while being slowly choked to death by either boredom or regret. To make things worse, the lack of coordination of communities around and an easy index to search for communities with aligned interest would completely vanish all hopes of ever finding one. Native brings to an end all these frustrations of a misplaced community.

Firstly, via Native's opt-in feature, Users which subsequently become community members can make their own decisions about what communities to belong to, and not primarily because of the benefits attached to the community but because, the values and interests of the people there aligns with that of the user. Because of this single fact, community members can be at their best while still reaping the rewards attached to the community, exponentially "mooning" it's productivity. You can also say that Native is designed reward passion.

No substance backed or consolidated members devotion to communities hitherto, but with the value based economy which Native has successfully combined with communities, the morale of the community members will be heightened and unimaginable feats which raises the valuation of the community in the global network will be achieved. If truly, doing what you love is the key to success, then by this solution, Native will in no time birth more successful individuals than any ecosystem has in a long while.

Impressively, Native allows almost anyone to be able to create these passion plus value driven communities at almost zero costs. This community economy combo creation barrier lift which Native has achieved, will not only cause more communities to spring up but also allow for a healthy competition between them because more than a single community will spring up having similar goals or objectives. The opt-in feature of Native will bring more harmony to the world. This becomes easy to envision when one considers the redistribution of skills and funds that communities built on Native will initiate. It's not out of place to find people in the banking sectors relocating to the agricultural sector. As a relationship built on a Native community may just be the spark that may have been needed to ignite the member's farming fire. This redistribution or relocation process may take time, but with Native, it's a ball that has been set rolling.

Love Tribe


Native provides the cost-friendly and low-level technical tools that i have longed for to achieve my dream of restoring Love to this broken world. Man's inhumanity to man is seen in almost every corner, every eye, if you look properly. Creating a non-profit economy to teach people to love again by involving in charitable activities and linking up individuals with similar values will encourage people who have had these thoughts too to start taking actions which will alleviate this hate disease that has spread like an epidermic all over the world. The community funds can help the "To Love" project achieve tasks such as clothing people, providing scholarships for less privileged kids, taking mad people of the streets and providing healthcare for the disabled. I totally agree with the quote, "As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person". Creating the "To Love" community on Native will allow every individual with aligned interests to "change the world of one person", and eventually heal the world of the hate epidermic.

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Launch The Native App and Purchase Native Tokens

At the moment, the Native platform can be launched using the Brave browser and a metamask wallet.

More Information & Resources

See Video Below to get an in-depth understanding of Native Vision.


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