Spiritual Integrity

in #consciousness6 years ago (edited)


Everyone is a seeker in their own way

We seek some kind of completion or satisfaction,

It's the foundation of our existence

  • For some the search is unconscious and automatic, it gets funnelled into natural channels and conditioned responses.
  • For others the search is conscious, it is a goal to be fulfilled.
  • For others still, the search is a deep yearning that MUST be resolved for life to be bearable.

Judging from many of the beautiful Steemians I have met
I can also say that some of us live it fully, and some of us realize some deep inner truths.

For me that's the goal of this seeking

coming to a knowing inside yourself that becomes a being in the world. You feel resolved and you can get back to being simply yourself, and naturally unfolding like any other piece of life would naturally do.

So you found this knowing and it turned your whole world upside down? That is very good news my friend. But seemingly there's a lot to be reconciled. Work to be done in order to reconcile your old life with your new one. Otherwise "GASP" you might even get pulled back into that old life. It certainly happened to me, for exactly as long as I wasn't wise to what was going on, and firm in my decision about what I wanted this life to be.

Going back to a world of limitation when you know damn right you don't belong there anymore, what could be more painful than that?

What I found was that truths that 'turn up' our level of perception, don't necessarily integrate themselves or prepare us for the living reality of not being able to relate in any of the ways that we are used to.

This is why in my understanding, Integration of knowledge is a higher level of knowledge. And being the living embodiment of truth is a higher level of truth.

Here's an example. I have friends who have taken a lot of psychedelic drugs, and these friends perpetuate stories about the deep things they have seen. It kind of just sounds like boasting to me though, and when I perceive their lives I see a lot of compulsive behaviors that don't add up to the implications of these truth experiences.

So yeah, love everyone and accept them, that is a very good way of being. But if we want to actually go beyond the physical it is going to take more than a 'day-trip'. It's going to take some serious focus and commitment, and it needs to come from a deeper place than the ego.

I have also tried these substances in my time, psilocybin mushrooms, San Pedro, LSD. I experienced some strong things, yet those are just vague memories now. Always my heart would tell me that the spiritual state needs to be continually embodied, and not temporarily jaunted through. With a lack of control how can we act with integrity moment to moment, and how can we integrate the experience?

Don't get me wrong, I think power plants, and plant medicines are a beautiful thing. And I know there are a lot of people doing them with the utmost sanctity and integrity. What I am saying is there's the potential to get misled. It's an example of doing something on one level, and then forgetting all about it. It's about putting your foot in and not taking it deeper to an embodied experiential level.

A temporary expansion which leads to a stagnancy or a regression is not really an expansion. It could be more accurately described as an illusion. How far can you go on an inward journey whilst still deferring your power to all of these outside things?

I am straying from the point of my article though.

The medicine plant conversation was just to highlight a point, that after the bliss comes the integration. Or perhaps theres no point in the bliss without prior preparation and checking of ones self. You can go backwards or forwards, either way there's a lot of nitty gritty to get involved in. Because now we have the options of paying attention and making conscious decisions about life.

This is why I favour practices such as meditation and self inquiry, they still the mind rather than fill it with a lot of loudness. Loudness is ok, but if you don't know quietness then it will not do you any good. You will just go around being loud without understanding who you are or how your actions reverberate. This is regression to a child state, which is free but cannot reflect upon its self. A child has an egoic confidence, but without a deep knowing and sensitivity to life - they just harm them selves and others. Many political leaders are children.

Doing this work is not always easy, because it means defying your old patterns and mind programs.

Some of those programs will kick and fight to live, and your life will be horrible while you purge them out.

It's ok though because you are increasingly embodying a state that doesn't mind anything so much, it's very slow to react and more just watches things. So it's painful but your not thrashing about causing more problems.

I had to get this off my chest, because there never seems to be the opportunity to say bluntly to someone, that experience seeking is pretty cool - but transforming your whole way of being is the real thing. I mostly just say god bless, internally, and respect other peoples paths.

But for those of us with a burning intensity I can be completely honest about what it takes.
All the fluff has to go, and no one else is going to do the work for you.

So it sounds a bit serious, but really it's incredibly empowering knowing that the resolution will come from within. And the more you put in, the more easily the whole system just takes care of its self.

You just have to get over that hill, and then it's

Coming to a place of peace and balance

Acting spontaneously from the truth of your being

Never needing to play games for approval

Being open and honest

Just some food for thought my friends
Much Love


"All the fluff has to go, and no one else is going to do the work for you."


Cheers brother, when do you leave for your travels?

Im already at it. Its more nomad lifestyle for now, Im still in my home country but dont have a fixed home atm.

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