Cop Gets Schooled for aiming at Photographer

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

Another Day another TYRANNICAL PIG!

This PIG aims his gun at a dude for video taping in PUBLIC! WTF????

I have been watching 1st amendment auditors on youtube. These people video police and make sure they do their jobs according to the constitution, unfortunately most FAIL.


People waking up.

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Catholic church is Satanic and in bed with jesuits.

Earth is Flat people.

OJ murder was a HOAX.


It happens far too often (especially in the US). It's an abuse of power at the minimum. These officers, on the street, have no perception of privacy.

It's a shame that the cities are training the police to act like this.

They are training these guys to do this by design I believe, it is no accident. We are slaves who have been brainwashed to believe we are free. Las Vegas Shooting, Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, all HOAXES made to instill fear and get us to allow them to take away guns , install metal detectors in schools etc etc. Its really really bad when you look at the evidence how much supports these CRAZY ideas of mine (and others). Peace

I agree, no accident.

Sandy hook - yes, there's hoax there, not sure the whole truth there, but don't need to know truth to know we are sold lies.

911 - told a friend that if there was a suspect before the dust settled, that it was a scapegoat at best.

Boston bombing; I couldn't believe that did not wake more people up. That wasn't even a good hoax. Researchers even went so far as to spot the police officer that triggered the explosion before tossing the remote to a second officer.

The Las Vegas shooting was something different, bigger... That was more like a Saudi coup attempt on us soil that went wrong and covered up with the shooting of the crowd.

Don't worry, our numbers are growing daily. World wide. We are winning.

I left 9/11 out because I have come to believe that it is a HOAX also and often that bothers people because they cannot see how that could be possible. For a long time the "nose out" video I believed but I could not figure out how that cold fit in with so many dead people, once sandy hook and boston bombing woke me up to Hoaxes where nobody dies and its just a show, then the " 9/11 nose out" airplane video made sense to me along with lots of crisis actors and all kinds of other similarities with other hoaxes, strange world..... oh and i rerlly see lots of evidence for flat earth or at least not being a spinning ball lol. Peace and thanks for your thoughts

I know, 9-11 is STILL a difficult topic to get people to grasp.

It's not one of those where hoax = nobody died.... the people that commit these false flags have no qualms about killing people, children, whoever... the ends justify any means. That's why I don't doubt that there were real victims at Sandy Hook... Boston bombing on the other hand, I don't see how anyone could have died, it was that badly done.

I know two different people who "died" at wtc (one was actually a person I never met but I knew the fiancee getting married 1 month after 9/11, wife to be works for FEDERAL RESERVE. What was really strange is there is video of the groom to Be's parents a year or few after 9/11 talking about his life and what he was doing and they NEVER brought up in the entire video that he was 4 weeks from getting married, but the Dad did talk about how he liked to PARTY hard???? WTF???). Anyway , I am thinking nobody died and it was a planned demolition. Have you ever been to september clues website??? Simon Shack did a great job and I knew about september clues like 10 years ago, I just thought it was too crazy so never looked at the evidence they presented, once I looked I was like WOW! It made sense to the whole "Show", buildings falling down everywhere, planes that disappeared, videos that were edited, and reporters reporting building 7 before it happened, and crisis actors everywhere lol.

The other person I knew who "died" was my Dads friend, I found a guy who looks just like him named Robert Hoffman, My Dad's Friend was named Fred Hoffman, what really interesting is that Robert Hoffman now Hangs out with the Partners of Cantor fitzgerald where Fred worked when he "died". Robert and Fred have the SAME glasses, same gold chain, same hairline, same chin, same hairstyle, live in the same town and Robert Hoffman looks to be the correct age now 17 years later. I sent my Dad a photo but he was freaking out that I would say something so crazy so he didn't really look lol. Also Fred was a CARPENTER and put in carpeting in my Dads business and next think you know he is a partner at Cater fitzgerald. There is NO obituary in the papers for this Partner which is very very strange, also there is ONLY one photo you find of him online and lots of other crazy shit too, whats really nuts is I called him 2 years prior for a Job with him and he had just hired his daughter- she also "died" OR they kept the "deaths to a limited group of families and people! I think the latter now. Maybe I will investigate more IDK, scary stuff.

Quite a few people now believe no one died on 9/11, I think Ole Dammedgard thinks that way, I know he thinks 7/7 bombings were a hoax and no one died, there is another 9/11 truth site that is big and says it was a hoax (no one died) too, can't remember the name of it. Check out the theory of no one dying on 9/11, IT BLEW MY MIND when I came to the point I believed the evidence was strong for it!!!! Have a good one.

I've heard stories like that before; I just brushed that off as being misidentified people.

It's hard enough to get people to accept the concept that the US at minimum allowed the attacks to happen, nevermind trying to get people to consider that nobody died.

As it is, even if 3000 people died, considering that was during work hours, + plane occupancy, initial reports estimated up to 50k dead...

Yup. Something does not add up.

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