Quest In The Realms – an interactive Bananafish production! - Episode 20

in #contest5 years ago (edited)


Look who’s there, a wandering adventurer looking for the Bananafish treasure! This episode is part of the interactive story/treasure hunt called “Quest In The Realms”. If you landed on this page because you’re trying to solve the mystery, don’t hesitate and keep delving in the story. If you came here through random loitering, what are you waiting for!?



The zombie Smiley Smyrus gives you a smirk pleased to have gotten you off guard.

“The Yellow King? As in, The King in Yellow by Robert Chambers?” you ask.

“One in the same Mendoza,” the zombie Smiley Smyruss answers, “welcome to my kingdom!”

“Is that a punk rock album?” Machete inquires.

“No dude, it’s a book written in 1895. Some real heavy shit man. This is bad. Really bad,” you answer.

“Really bad? Like terrible bad? Like we’re in hell bad?” Tres asks.

Tio stands tall, with a worried expression, taking in the situation quietly.

“We will no longer have control of our lives Tres. Your actions will be guided by the Yellow King’s will.

You will do things that sicken you, you will feel regret, and yet you will continue to do them in service to our malevolent master,” you say knowing all of you share the same fate.

“But why the hell does it look like a zombie Smiley Smyrus?” asks Machete.

“Think about it, what better form to taunt real punk rock musicians?” you say.

“I’m just a teenage dirtbag ,” says Machete.

“I see that beneath the tough shell, your hearts are dark and willing to serve. I’m thinking now of something special for you. Follow me,” says the Yellow King disguised as a zombie Smiley Smyrus just to get inside your mind.





Why don't any ethereal kings ever show up and ask me to do their dark bidding? I feel neglected.

Yeah that's funny how this never happens in real life.

I’m thinking now of something special for you.

Oh yeah. That always means something good. 🙄

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