Honor Board 📊 59 Weeks of peekLink Upvote Game

in #contest5 years ago

79 SBI Shares for a Steem Basic Income 😊 Ranking list of all lucky winners so far:

@erikklokhas won19times and24SBI shares
@norwegiansteemhas won4times and9SBI shares
@retinoxhas won7times and9SBI shares
@vasilstefanovhas won3time and8SBI shares
@davedickeyyallhas won4times and4SBI shares
@harbecityhas won4times and4SBI shares
@eiihas won3times and4SBI shares
@korshedhas won3times and3SBI shares
@kingzerohas won2times and3SBI shares
@heartbeat1515has won1time and2SBI shares
@androssgbhas won1time and1SBI shares
@aveshnaik007has won1time and1SBI shares
@bumex2008has won1time and1SBI shares
@clmstudioshas won1time and1SBI shares
@modernzorkerhas won1time and1SBI shares
@saravana58has won1time and1SBI shares
@slutwifehas won1time and1SBI shares
@sonu4012has won1time and1SBI shares
@summisimeonhas won1time and1SBI shares
Total79SBI shares

All Winners who have won more than 1 SBI Share:

Well, I know - some colors appear more than once...
You have to figure out who is who 😚

Total of all SBI shares won so far:


You want some SBI Shares as well?

Here you find the current edition of the Upvote Game:
SBI Ad.png

😊 @peekbit



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