COVID 19 ; precautionary measures

As we all know that covid-19 or CORONA VIRUS has appeared to be the biggest fear of this year so far & has become the talk of town for the last 3 months.
Let's revise the symptoms of COVID 19 before moving to the precautions:
*difficulty breathing.

Now , we should try to Carry out the following measures in order to get ourselves on the safe side;

*Firstly,try to keep you & your children in home as long as possible (I'm not gonna talk about piling quarantine Food as we all are doing this before someone asks us to do)
*Make it the responsibility of any one person of your house to go to the mart to get your monthly ration.
*Anything you get ,let it leave outside at a safe place before bringing it inside for 12 hours ( as the virus live on any surface for atmost 12 hours.
*Try not to touch your eyes,nose and face ( especially after touching something)
*Let the one coughing,wear the mask.(so that the germs don't spread).

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds straight.( Specially after touching lifts, staircase,or public doorknobs)
    *If you can't get sanitizer then you can use spirit or after -shave with steriled or boil water in 50/50 proportion.
  • Don't visit hospital for any purpose unless emergency.
  • Don't use NSAIDS such as ponston , disprin, dicloran & IBRUFEN as they can increase the damage caused by Corona virus.

I hope that carrying out the above precautions may help you in any way possible.
Let's do our best...
Keep our faith in GOD...
AND Hope for the best...
Stay blessed every one...


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