I See You

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)

To the broken soul, who feels like they are always taking their last breath
To the Momma who is trapped in the bathroom, trying to muster up the energy that is left
To the Daddy that is trying to figure out how to connect with his kids
To the Wife that tries her hardest to see herself the way her husband does
Or the Husband that wants to wrap his arms around his wife and help her understand how beautiful she really is

I see you

To the Grandparents that blinked too slowly and lost time with their grand babies, now turned adults
To the Aunts and Uncles that are trying to understand how those babies grew up so quickly
To the Friends wondering if you should reach out and see how people are doing
Or the Sons and Daughters mourning the time lost with your parents....time went just as fast as mom and dad said it would.

I see you

Life moves too quickly to miss the memories that don't last forever.
Life moves too quickly to take for granted the ones we love.
Life moves too quickly to not take chances.
Life moves too quickly to give up on yourself
Life moves too quickly to forget how absolutely incredible each moment really is

I see you

Hour Glass.jpeg


and how incredible you are ...thank you momma for the goosebumps <3<3<3

Thank you, my heart needed to speak :)

yes , it is transparent <3<3<3

This is so stunning

This is beautiful, I hear you x

Thank you!!!

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