
Hah, you're very kind to say so _/|\_ Next time I'm granted an opportunity, I will try to have more presence of mind, be less coy, and try sharing a philosophical or metaphysical idea of mine :)

Someone had to make that comment! I was thinking about it later and wondering, if it was your story, how you might have written the end with you giving him a new idea. You would have needed to produce a piece of metal. A tooth filling maybe? I loved that his new ideas were metal fillings in a petri dish, that made sense somehow. Anyway, too hard I thought. I liked the way you patted him on the shoulder. That was the way to write it.

Interesting to consider rewriting this as a fictional piece and how one might do it, differently. I'm drawn to magic realism, with a touch of the mystical, so... I would have liked the protagonist to show him something, wordlessly. Maybe, for the metal filings to rise from the petri dish and assemble themselves into a giant arrow, pointing back at the Indian man .... Then, to walk away, leaving the meaning of this supernatural incident, open-ended and ambiguous. Glad to hear this little story captured your imagination; perhaps, it might inspire a post of your own, sharing what you consider to be a new idea:)

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