Bitcoin Played A Large Role In The DNC Hacking

in #crypto6 years ago

According to Friday’s indictment, new evidence in Russia’s involmemt in the hacking and influencing of America’s presidential election, points to Bitcoin being a major financial tool in the hacking infrastructure. I don’t know wether to laugh or cry but it seems this story has no end.


I also find it interesting that this indictment happened to come just before Trump is to meet with Vladimir Putin. Hey I don’t know the truth of what really happened, but I find it hard to believe that a hacker attack of that degree, would be financed with Bitcoin. Surely hackers of this caliber would know to use some of the many private crypto coins out there?

I find it saddening that once again Bitcoin gets this “corrupted” stamp that the media seems to eager to spread. What is your take on the whole Situation, do you think there was a real interference with the presidential election of the United States ?

(Source: CNN)


There are about six elderly people left in the States who still take CNN seriously.

Why don't they write a piece on the number of foreign elections the U.S. has interfered with over the years using non-crypto currencies?

Haha that is such an awesome answer - Touché !

Of course, there was. Hillary Clinton is a hater of Putin whereas Trump is an admirer of tough authoritarian leaders like Putin and would love to be one himself and hates the fact that there is this little thing called the US Constitution in the way. Trump acted like Kim Il-Jong's best buddy in Singapore handing a massive propaganda victory to him despite his earlier tough talk. Trump was clearly a Russian favourite in the elections.

Spy tactics like interfering with foreign elections is Putin's specialty. He is a former spy. Of course, his emphasis will be on clandestine operations like that.

Yea you have many good points. One thing is for sure it’s seems like shit is gonna hit the fan pretty soon !

@dandesign86, you are interested in reading, maybe you read me too

Right thoughts you have @dandesign86, and set them cool

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