
First off, thanks for following and upvoting me on your livestream today Jerry (: been a long-time follower on YouTube and I love your energy and transparency! Also, I think more people (like yourself) should make a post like this, encouraging people to help get Steem on Binance! Binance is currently one of the hottest exchanges out there and it causes huge spikes in cryptos when they get on Binance. I think everybody should be making posts like this one, as well as sending @ned and other @steemitdev people, maybe even @steemitblog or @blocktrades private messages on Steemit Chat? I'm sure other big whales like @fyrstikken , @roelandp , @teamsteem @reggaemuffin , @acidyo , @papa-pepper , and many others will also help get Steem on Binance, which will be huge for Steem (:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 69000.61
ETH 3825.74
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.48