TheSkyNet POGS and Gridcoin [Updated]. Get to know the Universe!

in #crypto6 years ago


Hello, everyone! After I wrote my post about theSkyNet POGS (, my fellow @parejan mentioned, that this project is not anymore whitelisted. I was sure, that at the time I was writing the post it was on the website, but unfortunately it was still not updated. A quick check in the project's forum led me to the news, that all the work about "theSkyNet POGS" was actually 100% complete and the project was shutting down. Well... It is somewhat sad to see these exciting projects end, but after all, this is the main purpose, right? And this means that all the shared idle resources had helped the science in a way.

This is a clear sign, that Gridcoin really works and we can of course choose another project, connected with sky observations and various cosmos stuff.


The project team announced, that they will be working about reviewing all of the processed galaxy data and preparing it for actual use. All the galaxies will be classified and all their known features will be added to the data. Unfortunately, the website of the project are scheduled to be turned off, because their service costs more than 2000 AUD a month, which is very excessive and not needed at all.

And what will we do next? I assume we can look into the stars, think a bit about "The answer to life, the universe and everything" and of course pick another project afterwards. There are still 6 projects being on fire and whitelisted in the website. Let's take a quick look at them!



This is a project, that uses the data from all the big telescopes, observing asteroids as well as all the amateur "backyard" astronomers. The ultimate purpose of this project is to create a database of asteroids with information not only about their size, but also more detailed shape, rotation frequency and many more. If you think asteroids are interesting, then you should join this project!



The project uses volunteered computer's idle resources to build up an exact model of the universe. It will be maybe the most accurate universe model because it utilizes the use of various cosmological and particle physics data. Analyzing all of this requires some massive power, so if you're curious about the universe in common, you should consider joining this project!



The project looks towards one of the hardest objects to observe - Pulsars. They are spinning isolated compact objects, emitting gravitational waves. Part of the emitted spectra is in the gamma-ray range. Some of them are almost invisible to us, because their emitted visible part is not pointed towards the Earth. The great part of this project is, that if you(or your device) happen to find a pulsar, you will be rewarded with a certificate!
As a matter of fact, it was Einstein, whose theory of gravity is directly connected to the pulsars.



This project just aims at constructing a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milkyway Galaxy. The project is using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.



SETI@home is a project aiming to find traces of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. It uses the data, collected from various radio telescopes and searches waves, not emitting naturally in the open space. Do you believe we are not alone? And are there any thinking creatures, more technologically advanced than us? We will most likely understand this. Sooner or later...



The general aim of the project team is to gather the necessary computation power and of course provide a way of involvement for everyone, willing to take part in the project. The simulations deal with fundamental problems of the Universe from the star births to the supernova explosions and some extraordinary objects are being modeled. The Universe definitely deserves our attention!

Whichever project you choose to participate, you will provide some precious resources, needed by the scientists. We can help the astronomy by utilizing the idle resources of our computers and mobile devices. Of course, the help will be possible only with Gridcoin and BOINC client.

Stay tuned for future scientific posts. See ya!
P.S. I will be thankful, if @parejan can confirm all the information above! Special thanks for all his work!

Sources: The main website of the project, source of information. and - official Gridcoin websites. - BOINC client instructions and download.
Photos from Google search engine.


I'm happy that theSkyNet POGS managed to reach the final computations. I contributed a lot to this project (900k points), and I hope that the generated data will have a good use for the understanding of the universe. A big THANK YOU to all the other 65748 users!

We all hope to deliver some helpful information to the project teams!
Now we head up to other great projects!

Although I am proud to see the success of SkyNet POGS, it still is tough to see it go, but if the new normal is for projects to go away because they are complete, I will be happy to know that the gridcoin community was able to help.

All the projects must be seen complete. Sooner or later. At least that's the point of delivering our resources!

All projects described above are whitelisted @mdosev so no comments from my side other than thank you for this interesting article... :D

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