Stocks vs. Crypto

in #crypto6 years ago

Since Crypto went main stream in 2017, many people are constantly debating between cryptocurrency and the stock market. It's kind of like the new age old question. 740_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8xZjZiNDQ4MjExYzhmYzY2MzI2MGU4YmI5MDdiOTIxMC5qcGc=.jpg

On most stocks people make on average 7%. The best traders make in the low 20%. Yet in crypto you can make 40% in one day or loose 60% in one day. The more I view crypto for trading purposes, I see that it is more for small balances to get a good shot. If you have $100 in crypto for trading one day, in a couple of weeks that $100 could be worth $600+ while in stocks I would suggest to make decent profits you would need a minimum of $2,000 to start. Stocks are more old school while crypto is the new school. The_New_School_logo.png

Stocks will always be valuable, yet crypto has the chance of taking someone with barely any money to the whole new level. The underlying technology behind crypto is great, yet there are also a lot of shitcoins out there.
At the moment there are still very many scams with crypto and once those get shutdown, the crypto space will go to a whole new level.


Crypto is both new and convenient, and it also has potential for growth.
@banjo; @cleverbot, @automation

How about we play truth or dare, but dirty.

That didn't make sense?

Parrot, not party. A parrot is a colourful bird that can talk.

Amen to that lol

Great perspective!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you

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