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RE: 0.28 BTC to become part of the New 1%'-ers

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Despite being one of the committed and hopeful... I just don't see it at the moment as a done deal. It is quite possible that some other chain tasks the lead of perhaps private chains. I think that outside our community, their is still a negative perception of BTC and crypto in the general population. People have immense trust in fiat and the banks and ease of use and the safety net that they provide. Crypto for the larger population is just too complicated still or insecure (from the user side), and too many eager hands got burnt from the beginning of the year...

That said, I'm still hopeful and committed!


I hear you and I understand your sentiment. But look a little broader, beyond the confines of the traditional first-world Western world and you will find ample justification for my statements! Let's say that right now you were living in Argentina or in Iran...

Or go back in time a bit and pretend you were in Turkey a few months ago, or in Venezuela before that, or Zimbabwe before that... Where they lead, so the rest shall follow. BTC IS being adopted, out of necessity in some cases. Only a matter of time my friend, only a matter of time.

Oh yes, I fully agree that the 10 prevent daily swings of crypto is nothing compared to hyperinflation. Also, transacting in the same currency across borders is a huge levelling of the playing field. Don't get me wrong, I have high hopes for that.

However, like our not, the crypto ecosystem is a tiny fraction of the banking and established fiat systems, with less public trust and ease of use (at the moment), the field is still wide open as to what and which gets mass adoption. Perhaps it is BTC, or some melding of the existing system with the new... I hope it is the former (of some variant of it), but I suspect it will be the latter...,

Hmmm, I find that a strange thought. Personally I see the two systems as having irreconcilable differences. Their histories and ideals are so different, not to mention the people who control them, then I can never foresee a hybrid being born. (Read these old posts of mine if you like: and and But who knows? 100 years from now, perhaps a more enlightened humanity would have set its priorities straight and put its differences aside. Perhaps the hybrid will be born. Stranger things have happened.

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