Civic ICO... Get it together please !!!

Today was suppose be the other big ico of the month with civic, an identity protection platform. Seemed promising, more promising then status in my opinion however looking back on today's events, Civic may go down as the worst ico in bitcoin history.

First off, why launch a mobile ONLY platform? Honestly i was excited about the $25k investor cap but do i really want to send $25k into an ico over my cell phone, really? Do i even want to send $5k like that? Maybe it's just me but i make all my major investments and transactions on my laptop for so many reasons like security, functionality, tracking and the list goes on and on. Good thing They only had $500 positions available shortly after the launch so i don't need to worry about losing to much money chasing this unicorn.

How about the mobile app required to participate? Great demonstration of why bug bounty programs are so valuable. Why have a QR scanner that doesn't work for almost Everybody? And how many phones were not compatible?

The line concept was another almost brilliant idea that failed miserably.  Got my position in line first thing when the ico launched and literally 5 hours later i get the email that I'm next and i have 10 min. to respond, what? Thanks for being understanding of my 5 hour wait, i will immediately pull off the freeway and send you my $25k while I'm parked at this burger king in the ghetto! 

Why the heck are so many transactions being rejected? Is it me? I have only been trading bitcoin for 3 years now, maybe I'm doing something wrong? Double check the address, the data field, increase the gas, still nothing. Let's email them Again, even though they have not responded to my previous 2 emails, they may respond this time since i'm trying to send money. Who thinks they responded? 

Civic updates the message on the site blaming network congestion which is so lame it's aggravating. I completed 2 other transaction by this timeboth over the Etherum Blockchain and with far less gas. Both transactions were slower then usual since each took about 15min. Maybe my transaction window expired since its like 2 hours later, Let's just get back in line a try one more time.

Wait, no, your taking a 3 hour break to catch up,huh?

Ok the break is over the line is moving and i only have 11387 people i front of me, Let's do this.

45min.  later they close the ico do network congestion and the coinsbase fiasco. Um you don't even accept coinbase deposits and your instructions say "DO NOT SEND  ETHER FROM COINBASE"... I'm soo confused now, what's going on.

Civic, you suck and i have no confidence in what your trying to accomplish. Stick with gift cards.

They launched 70% full with $22m sold coming out the gate and only raised 6m the entire day? Status raised what $270m in 3 hours.

You guys failed and need to be honest as to whats the problem.

Instead I'm going with NVO. We need more decentralized exchanges especially after what coinbase did today. That's another post, my rant is finished now. Thanks for listening.




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I think there were definitely some lapses in how Civic's ICO went today... but that being said (and to play devils advocate a little) I think they did a lot better than some other ICO out there:

  • The lines were frustrating how the expected time was all over the place. Thankfully I had the luxury of hopping in-line at 6am my time and then continuing to keep an eye on my spot once I got to the office around 8. I did notice that the expected time got a lot better (it was very accurate once it said I had about an hour left until down until it was my time). I realize that's no help if you can't keep an eye on it... but it was nice to not have a fiasco like some other ICOs
  • I'm not sure what you mean about mobile only. Yes, you need to sign-up with your mobile device, but the mobile part is only scanning the QR code. I did not hear about big problems with the QR scan (mine was very quick and easy). After that the actual sending of coin was all on desktop. Obviously the blockchain is portable to any device so the fact they are thinking mobile first (where people spend more time than laptops/desktops these days anyways) is a smart business plan
  • The issues with the cancelled transactions (I had my first get dropped) and giving props to Status is where I have to completely disagree. Yes, the transactions getting dropped was frustrating (hint: if you fatten up your gwei it goes through in 20 seconds (my second trans was at 60 just to make sure - ended up costing about $1.50 in trans fee)). But this was completely an issue with the blockchain. I'm surprised you got other trans through, I know a lot of people who could get nothing done today. Secondly, this was largely a part of spillover from Status. Even after Civic closed for the day I was watching the blockchain and there were tons of transactions going to status...
  • To tie a couple of my points together, I think that the queue and the tiered deposits with a hard cap was brilliant. What is Status's market cap now? Whatever it is, is it really sustainable? At least with Civic we know ($100M, probably less given all Eth deposited this AM is worth about 15% less).
  • Finally, the nod to Coinbase was just a nod to the fact that so many people in the US, almost all of whom rely on Coinbase to get ETH/BTC, were probably thrown way off by it going down. They have a 7-day window, why try to keep pushing things when you've got 1) status spill over, 2) major volatility in ETH, and 3) a major exchange down? I think it was smart to just say okay people lets relax and come back tomorrow

I understand your points and you are obviously entitled to them, but I do think that many things Civic did was actually an improvement over the ridiculous $XX Million raise in 90 seconds that are happening everywhere else. Come back to me once it gets on an exchange and I can tell you if I'm actually happy with it :)

The luxury of being on the in crowd! I did not pump the gwei, ugh... Thank you for this response. I stayed on my mobile since it was required to open the app in order to obtain deposit informantion from Civic. I guess i could copy the deposit info, email it to myself and then use my desktop wallet but is that cheating the system especially with Civic threatening to cancel suspicious activity? If you got in like this I'm going to try it tmw if i have opportunity.

Coinbase really has me concerned. This is the 3rd crash in a month. First it was blamed on new users, then it was the DDoS attack and now this. I remember all the red flags just before Big Vern took everybody's money, I hope this is not Cryptsy 2.0

If by some miracle i get in tmw, i own you one

Good points. It is a little rough out there and everyone is searching for the right way to do these ICOs. Its brand new so expect some clumsy mistakes and technical glitches.

  • Yeah, I have to agree with @canuckpride. I have been trying to get into a few ICOs and never had a transaction actually go through until Civic.
  • The email wait-list thing was horrible, the best option was to click the link earlier and then it told where in line you were and approximate wait time.
  • I don't think they raised $22 million in the first few seconds. This was the second round of ICO...the previous round raised over $20M.
  • A tip to get better chances of transaction going through in MyEtherWallet during the top right drop down, make sure EtherScan.Io is selected...and then use the slider in the bottom of the screen labeled GWEI and move that to fast or super fast.
  • I had so much FOMO from not being able to participate in earlier ICOs, I was ready to invest $5-10k, was only allowed to do $500.

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