Obsessed Crypto Junky vs. A Balanced Crypto Life

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


You should remember when you did your first purchase and saw your precious amount in your wallet. This was a good feeling and you were proud of yourself to have finally made the move.

Everything in life has a beginning, and we just need to make the decision in our mind to start and take action. Some folks are all in at 100% in everything they do in their life.

The symptoms

Do you have the impression you are always in front of the computer from the morning to night? The first thing you do in the morning is to check the latest price and the value of your crypto portfolio. It is like a drug addict that can not stop thinking about it.

I call it the lifestyle of a crypto junky!

Those symptoms are:

  1. Checking the price many times a day.
  2. Reading the news to stay informed about which coin will reach the moon.
  3. Hoping to have a Lambo and always dream about the moon at night!
  4. Your adrenaline and stress increase when the price drop drastically.
  5. Just think about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Crypto junky

Like everything in life, if you are too obsessed with something, this can become a problem for you and your surroundings. If you are an active trader and are always in front of your charts and never do something else, you can start feeling an emptiness inside.

The point I want to bring is you need to have a balanced life and not just think about crypto 100% of your time. You need to do other things in your life. The aim is to remain passioned about it and not become a drudgery.

Quit or stay?

Lately, many people post on popular forums and boards to write desperate messages that they are quitting the crypto world. Those folks mention that they lost everything and say crypto has taken over their life.

Many come to this space thinking to become rich overnight like in the California gold rush in 1848! They complain they have lost everything to have a justification for themselves to leave. Other mentions they go back to a traditional life; have a job and never come back here.

The real problem

The crypto space is not the problem but it is the way people act. You should know from day 1 that you need to be in with a dose of moderation. It is the same thing when you are taking alcohol. If you abuse it, it becomes a real problem for your health and you become irrational.

My suggestion is to always have fun and do crypto with pleasure!

Last word

You could take a break instead of quitting completely because you are unable to control yourself from your addiction. It is important to enjoy what you are doing in the crypto space without being transformed into a crypto beast that just thinks about that!

Go out and have fun, do something else.

Please also read these interesting articles:

  1. 3 Crypto Categories for a Balanced Portfolio to Reach the Moon
  2. Block’tivity – The Hidden Treasure to Make a Good Crypto Investment
  3. Why I am Very Bullish and Love Steemit?
  4. What Qualities you Need to Success in the Crypto World
  5. https://chesatochi.com/gods-unchained/

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://chesatochi.com/obsessed-crypto-junky-balanced-life/

Damn, seems like I am a crypto junky! Anyway, I'm also searching for a job in the blockchain market. Hopefully that won't be an overdose for me!

I hope you find one soon. What type of job are you looking for?

Sales/business developper. There are almost not companies active in blockchain right now over here. I hope it works out.

I hope you find a job in this field!

Every time, when im check my portfolio, i see, 1 steem=1 steem, so all day is a good day :D

And every time you check your Steem wallet, it grows a bit! So that's pretty good for when the market shoots up again!

Stake is really cool ;)

In crypto value is remain the same, but people love to know the equivalent in US fiat value.

Very salient points you raised here, it is important to have a balance in what we do.

Thank you @Joetunex and happy to discover the word salient.

😁 you are welcome

Balance in everything @chesatochi. Good advice. I try to only be on Steemit a couple of times a day but well often I fail :)

You are a true Steemian. ;)

Thank you so much @Thumama

I agree with the author, @chesatochi!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 64307.66
ETH 3146.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.88