We Should Stop Talking About the Price


Every day I see the same posts relating to Steemit and cryptocurrencies as a whole. Price is shit, there is FUD all over, but all the amazing crypto projects and developments are doing better than ever and the community in Steemit is strong. Bitcoin has had same kinds of crashes a lot of times and it has always come back, and gone to new highs. Buy more and HODL, blabala. Tell me something I don’t know!

The hopium is strong here, and it is sending the wrong message to the universe. You know what they say about wild animals, they can smell fear. Crypto markets are the same, it’s a wilderness and it’s gonna use your fear against you. The universe can see you trying to hide your fear under all the research and hope for a better future, but it can smell the fear deep inside you. It sees you acting like you all fine, but knows that you are actually freaking out. There is a difference in being sure, and being hopeful. Which one are you?

What I think we should be doing, is just keep Steeming.

Act like you already have the damn Lambo, live god damn it! That is what I plan to do, and not just plan, but do. I’m not gonna crawl into a corner and cry while waiting that cryptos bounce back, I’m gonna go out into the world, travel, meet people and have fun. There is no use in being worried about something you have no control over, and there is no use wasting your time doing it. Live now, the worst thing that can happen is that cryptos die, but you still lived while it was happening.

This is my two cents about the current cryptocurrency market situation, and now I shall get back to distracting you with posts that have nothing to do with cryptos.

Ps. If your blog is all about market analysis and such, then yeah, keep on going, but everyone else, get back to doing what you did before you got scared!


I'll just go back to admiring your behind......

I encourage everyone to do so! 😝

Fly baby fly!

But yes, fair points. Now go see stuff and blog about it while I hide, or go work.......

I shall hide for one more day, then I'm off to the new world!

So lucky, have an awesome time!

That's awesome! It gave me a laugh. Thank you! :)

We need a laugh or two at present, glad to help there!

Haha, that's brilliant; the good ol' chicken-trying-to-lift-off pattern.

We cannot do anything to influence currency growth. So best option is to chill and keep steeming :)

Who cares about current crypto price. We will all be millioners in few years :D

Well some of us live off of this, so I'm not saying price doesn't matter, it does. But feeding the universe with fear, that shit is toxic. So let's just live a little and not worry about it too much.

because of last bitcoin bubble whole world have heard about it. Even my mom now know what is bitcoin.
In my country, Croatia, in last year we have got few BTC ATMs , few bitcoin exchange offices, news started to follow its price and even many talk shows on TV represents it.

In my opinion future is here and now and we should not be scared about current situation.
I see this as a huge opportunity.

Resteemed on behalf of @red-rose owner mr. samer.

Real Analysis for NASDAQ To Launch A Bitcoin Futures Product In 2019:

When large institutes put their noses in such systems , that is meaning one thing : they begin to believe in the virtual crypto money.

My hopes are:

Results on long run will be after few years from this post :

BITCOIN will return back to USD20,000
STEEM will return back to levels more than USD10



Straight through the heart and hit the nail on the head ! Damn girl you did it again! Your words are clear and people get what you say and at least I can just take your words in my little backpack and continue doing what I do. Amen.
he takes a few imaginary words with his chubby hands and puts them in his little bag, tries to blink like a champ with one eye to the audience and then he skips away like a little smurf

Price is not a very interesting or even particularly useful metric. A lot of people can't see past it , as they want $$s, but what is actually far more important are metrics around usage and adoption - things like holders, DAUs, transactions counts, network speed, etc.

For a lot of projects, these are embarrassingly low, and do little to justify even current price levels.

However, a few projects, of which Steem is one, actually are being used, have decent products, and are set to improve. With any luck, a lot of shitcoins will end up being flushed by a prolonged bear market, and those that hang around will become much bigger than they were before. There are parallels with the dotcom boom/bust cycle, where those companies that kept building and innovating survived, and grew into powerhouses.

I agree completely, did a DTube video on this subject “Blowing Steem For All You Throwing FUD” promoted it to trending just to make a point. Even those people holding massive stake trying to make jokes about the situation are only adding to the FUD and it’s disgusting!

Good to see a fellow like minded Steemian, now let’s all just get back to creating what we love!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I agree completely. Too much focus is put on money and not enough of content. The price will rise in time nothing we can do about it now so may as well work on making better content since that's something we can do!

Posted using Partiko Android

You have a good point. I really needed that encouragement right now. A wise blog at a the right time.
Thanks for the kick in the butt Eve! :)

I thought of you when I wrote it 😝

Don’t tell me what to do

That is my line!

It’s a great one to mutter to people when they tell you to do something casually. It usually catches them off guard and they don’t know what to say. Love the awkwardness of it. Lol.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 63898.89
ETH 3129.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.90