
I always follow those that ask, here's to your future success with the Steemit community.

Anytime, always down to help fellow Steemians, need anything let me know.

its really heart worming to read what you told @hatemmkh,even though am not the one,i can imagine how welcomed he must have are right,we newbies ought to look out for each other and guide and grow with each other. still a newbie my self,joined last week but don't have posts aside from my intro post. am still trying to build followers.

I firmly believe we should all look out for each other in crypto and in this community. We are all early adopters of something very powerful people feel threatened about and we need to grow with strength in numbers. Also its the right way to be, to look out for your fellow brothers and sisters is the key to any success you try to obtain. I just followed you my friend and as soon as you have something I will RESTEEM it for you and hope to gather you some followers. Just remember write from the heart, share what you love and have knowledge on and the rest will always fall into place. I will RESTEEM your intro though, tell them to say hello to our newest you out

lol,thanks thinking of doing a new intro post. what do you think?

You can but remember the bots do notice if you post in the introduceyourself too much, seen people get a few warnings for that lol. They are always watching. Maybe strike out and share your life or interests? Always help to keep pushing new content out to grow a following here

ok..thanks..i will start posting soon,for now,am just engaging with people for now. short of words..i didn't expect to receive this much love still as a newbie,thank you sir. i promise that i will work hard on my posts.

I wish you all the best here, we will do what we can to help you. Its really no problem

I'm just new here and still don't know how to get some more followers
If you can help me, It will be so great.

I will do you a favor. I run Steemit Blogger Central on Facebook and Twitter. I will swing by and check out your posts and RESTEEM one for you to those pages. Usually that helps a few people out to get started. Its still young with our pages but growing a following so hopefully that will help you out to get kickstarted some.

Best advice though I can give you, mingle out there...leave great comments on posts relevant to you and make some friends along the way. Its really about community involvement here so the more you reach out there the more friends you make and the next thing you know your all looking out for each other. I will go post some of your stuff for you, I will leave a comment on the ones I choose and where I posted them to. Hope that helps

really great and kind of you.
thank you very much.
I will never forget this favor

Its no biggie, I really like seeing your drive to grow your page, so I felt you deserved a little boost. My pages are small at the moment but I am working hard daily to grow them so I can help more people like you do well with Steemit. Us little guys gotta look out for each other I say. Message me anytime, best of luck with all you do here

thank you very much again.
I really appreciate it.

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