Bitcoin at $1 million: See you in ten years

in #cryptocurrency14 days ago

With its disruptive power, Bitcoin signals the end of corrupt financial practices and has the potential to become the next global reserve currency. Willy Woo, a crypto analyst, believes that the well-known cryptocurrency may hit a million dollars, but it will take at least ten years of patience!

Icons in the cryptocurrency space including Jack Dorsey, Martin Shkreli, and Cathie Wood aren't hesitant to wager on a $1 million Bitcoin. The date was the only thing that separated their predictions! Shkreli believes that this amount might occur as soon as this year, notwithstanding Dorsey and Wood's 2023 projection.


Renowned Bitcoin analyst Willy Woo believes that during the next ten years, Bitcoin (BTC) may surpass the $1 million threshold. According to Woo, an employee of Onchain, this spike in BTC will usher in a new era in which the flagship cryptocurrency turns into a real reserve currency.

Willy Woo recently discussed the implications of this development in a piece on X. He calls this time frame "an era to live in" and anticipates a "purge of corruption from central banks." He said that using Bitcoin as a reserve currency would prevent central banks from creating money on their own, increasing the cost of war and deterring countries from going to war.

In his ideal future, youthful leaders will seize the opportunity to create a world in which they can realise their greatest potential. In the years to come, Bitcoin appears to be promising an unprecedented financial revolution.

Reactions to Willy Woo's prediction that bitcoin will reach $1 million in the next 10 years have been conflicting, especially in light of BTC's potential role as a reserve currency.

According to, several of its supporters argued that central banks would not permit Bitcoin to become a reserve currency. Rather, they think the US dollar will be replaced by a central bank digital currency (CBDC). One of Bitcoin's detractors, Toby Cunningham, noted on X that the cryptocurrency was too costly, too slow, and too unscalable to take off as a universal money.

According to other observers, Bitcoin would face several obstacles before it could be accepted as a universal reserve currency. Some others even question Woo's prediction that central banks will be cleansed of corruption.

They claimed that central banks would issue additional money in order to buy up all of the Bitcoin, so compromising the cryptocurrency's reputation as a safe haven.

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