Guess who is abandoning STEEMIT...

This is a post for all the unconditional followers of the Great Technical Analyst.

After having squezzed the Rewarding Pool till unimaginable limits, now this guy is just emptying the STEEM POWER of his account...

The "master" is leaving guys! but...don't worry, you can keep following him just by paying an annual founding member fee of $795 !!!

For the non supporters, finally this guy seems that is going to disappear from the platform giving the chance to steemit to become a better place for everybody IMO ;-)

"I wish you massive profits!"


segueix publicant sobre stocks normals i tal... però amb moltíssim menys rewards.

Aveure que passa

Que se’n vagi a la merda el subnormal aquest

es probable que ell sigui (almenys parcialment), responsable de la caiguda del preu de l'steem.

Ara està fent un power down de 55k, pero esque fa no massa temps tenia (a més a més) 50k SBD que va retirar.

Son com 90.000$ als preus actuals... a saber el que deu haver vengut ja.

Aixo no ho se, lo que tinc clar es que es un puto egoista de merda al qual no L’importa un colló el projecte

This is the best news ever! He won’t be missed!

Exactly, I wish him massive failure 😂😂

Give me $ 795, too. I will also participate in the game!!!

Hahahahahaha pues nada pues adéu!!!

Yo no le echaré en falta

Posted using Partiko Android

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