Token Economy In 2049


Decentralized Tokens. Decentralized Exchange. Regulated ICO. Regulated Exchange. Bitcoin: Reserve Currency for Every Asset. IPO Disruption. Government Tokens.

At the moment there's not very good saving's options for regular people. Well there is's just cryptocurrency is a brand new asset class. It's indeed already massively popular amongst younger generations.

Fiat money is a terrible store of value. It's great for spending, but terrible for saving. This is a cool feature of fiat money. In this regard it compliments Bitcoin and cryptocurrency very handsomely. Cryptocurrency being a superior saving's financial vehicle and asset.

Crypto in terms of it being a "financial vehicle" is like this new form of vehicle that previously didn't exist - you could call it the equivalent of a space age teleportation device for the transportation of value movement. In contrast, you could refer to the previously existing financial vehicles as like a horse and buggy and the automobile.

Simon Dixon, former investment banker turned Bitcoin OG formed BankToTheFuture as a platform for investors to grow their wealth in non traditional ways by being crypto focused on this ever expanding space while also doing the banking due diligences to get themselves established with securities compliances so that they too can be a front runner in the onboarding of securities tokens to the Cryptosphere. Securities tokens is like the next frontier in terms of kinds of tokens that will be adopted. The majority of tokens that exist today are regarded as utility tokens.

The video I share below is a talk from Simon Dixon, sharing his investigations into banking and money and how he see's the future in terms of the changes taking place in matters of world finance. Simon has a really solid track record going back to 2006 in terms of making some bold calls in terms of forecasting future trends in the world financial structures.

Worth a listen - figured I would share as Simon Dixon is one guy you can really learn a lot from.

Fortune favors the bold.

  • You are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be bold in your investigations.

Know thy self.



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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






It remembers me of Warren Buffett's speech during their annual company meeting where he talked about if you had invested $10,000 in gold in 1945 then what profit would you have today and what if you had invested in S&P. There was a hell of a difference. Around half of a million in gold and around 90 million in S&P.

So we have kind of the same scenario here. If someone wants to repeat history, then he should definitely consider Cryptos.

in some days everywhere will be

Well storing Fiat is not that great way like you said while there are many options now in our hand and those are with the technology and the advancement of it they sure will choose the right track.

it's a good vedio sir @worldclassplayer

the first one i watch vedio of "Simon Dixon" ,thank you for sharing with us

Crypto is going to be a great asset for the people who has adapted jack ma said be the first dont be the best.

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