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RE: The Progression Of Life: My Sepia Saturday Wandered Right Off The Page Into Sublime Sunday, Finally Moving On To Monochrome Monday ~ Original Photography and Original Discussion About Plants ~

Such striking photos and great composition and contrast of light and dark.

This time of year can be a bit like stasis, a sort of 'in between' land not quite Winter and certainly not Spring, but I'd feel differently if I were still in England. I know I'd be planting were I there. Even if I were back at Toad Hall I'd be filling my windowsills with seedlings, but soon...

I'm so that way where I think I'll do a post about ONE thing and then it becomes another and another...again my DESIRE to simplify and hone a razor sharp focus often leads to distraction. What can one do?

As a side note, and you probably know this, the rose-hip is LOADED with vitamin C and if the zombie apocalypse ever comes they are even a better way to stave off scurvy then oranges, and easier to grow in our climates :)


Thank you, glad you enjoyed my short romp out into the yard. I love sepia, it has such a quality to it. This is a funky time of year. Not sure which way to go. I hope you do get to gardening soon, I know how much you enjoy it. And still so sorry you are not still in Merry Old England. Maybe you can return next winter. I hope so, if that is a desire of yours. You were having such a time of it.
As for that focus thing, I try to think of the positive side. I'm NEVER out of ideas and such. So that is a good part of it. Though there are reams of things that I know will never get done. But such is life.
Thanks for the zombie suggestions, I may need it. Nice to know I shall not go scurvitous, even if they all attack in droves. Now I shall go out and chew a rose hip or two to start building my C's. Cheers, and have a nice Thursday (though it is about up out yonder.) TTFN

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