Daily chicken November 1

Well, I've expanded the daily chicken to the ethereum blockchain! Now a multi chain movement, @mariannewest's #dailychicken is growing bigly!

The first daily chicken on ethereum? Today's lovely model, Big Red!


They're starting to cluck! No more peeping, they're big girls now.


Everyone got new leaves today. We stashed one bag and added two big trash can fulls to the runs. Everyone seems to appreciate when they get new leaves to go through.

The bedding from the chick coop has been getting added to the external compost about once a week. Six chickens sleeping in that small tote really makes some poo, so the compost is growing well. When I dig the hole to add the new bedding, the previous week's is almost all disintegrated, so it seems to be working very well!


Some more mushrooms that I found while raking up leaves. :)

In the next few days, we'll be knocking out the wall between the runs. It'll help distribute the poo from being so heavily concentrated in the smaller run and coop.

Turns out we got forgotten by the tree guys. I was so excited that I was gonna wake up to a mountain of wood chips in the yard, so we'll keep trying for more.

So far I've called two companies and given them my address, in addition to chipdrop, a Craigslist ad, and stopping to talk to that crew. Being a small town, there's not much here by way of tree trimmers, but we'll get it sorted out. We need copious amounts of wood chips.

As soon as we get chips, we'll start digging swales and drainage ditches. I'm anxious to get that project started. It'll be the start of our big food forest project that'll be years in the making. That's just a dream of an idea though. For now.

What are some other things we could do with so many wood chips? My lazy side would love to mulch the whole yard so I don't have to mow it, but that seems excessive. I know @rawutah and @gardeningchannel are real big on wood chips, so I'll be watching a lot of their videos in the coming days.

Also, I plan on doing my first dtube video soon. Be looking for that :)

What do y'all do with your wood chips? :)

Have a good evening.


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Have a fresh bucket full of them in the bathroom every day for the Number 1 business...Excellent for the compost, saves water and all of that...

Ooh, cool idea! I already do that outside as much as I can, and I'm always sure to go on a pile of leaves.

Love the daily chicken! :D

Sounds like you have some pretty great plans! Looking forward to seeing how those develop!!

Here's a chicken for you as well! ;)

Ooh, that one is pretty! What kind is that?

He's a good ol' barnyard mix. There's rhode Island red, brahma, australorpe, new hampshire, and a few others thrown in there, but he is showing mainly new hampshire traits here. :)

Be aware that chicken manure is VERY high nitrogen. Too much nitrogen will weaken plants, never mind it will leach into the water table during rain. A little goes a long ways, even mixed in compost, which will stabilize it it some.

Yeah, I've added a lot of that chicken bedding, and I will need to add leaves as well. Will probably be a project for today, getting the compost balanced a bit better.

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