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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 10/10/18> One call she was glad she didn’t answer…

in #dailydose6 years ago

Sweet mother. I can kinda sorta semi understand a botched diagnosis. A little. I can not under any circumstances understand a vet that can't tell male from female. That is incompetence.

That kind of crap makes me so angry that I have been known to go to a place and jump up and down. There is an incident here in Yuma at a Verizon store that could have resulted in a (worth it) trip to jail. There's one at the permits office in the City of Yuma that my GF at the time saved me from (and went back in and sweet talked them into the permit they had denied me). And a doctor's office. Blatant incompetence needs to be corrected, and it's just like training a dog (or horse in your case) do it right now and make it unforgettable. That's the key. Make it so they won't repeat the stupid behavior.

Urrgghhh. Makes me glad that Sam has a good Vet here and in Wisconsin.

Thanks for sharing this incompetent behavior. I hope your wife lays the bugaloo on them well. It's bad enough you kill my dog but you can't stop yourself from calling a year later to remind me of it? Jeeze.


I guess I should have mentioned these were guinea pigs, and when we got them from the breeder they were two months old and lady said they were both female. I never flipped them over and checked them out to try and see for myself, I figured the lady who bred them would know.
The girls took care of them and as fury as they were I don't know that they ever really checked either and if they knew for sure, until we decided to get a replacement for Mrs. Knibbles. They girls went online and since the vet had said that Mrs. Knibbles was pregnant we wanted to be sure Percie was indeed a male, and he was. So we ended up getting a male named Squirt.
It was not long after that and Percie came down with the same symptoms as Mrs. Knibbles with crusty eyes and stopped eating and drinking. Since the first vet had been so compassionate and send the condolence card and no other vets were available in our area that handled guinea pigs that day we ended up back there at vet number one.
The girls had also found out online that the back teeth can cause real issue and they made sure to mention it to the vet, and she "supposedly" checked the teeth. But after two days of forcing water and food in Percie he wasn't getting any better and the second vet was able to see him, he had the right equipment to check the teeth, and he was positive that was the source of the problem, and ended up doing the necessary procedure, but by then Percie was just to far gone health wise and didn't survive through the night.
The second vet did confirm Percie was a male also and he said most likely that Mrs. Knibbles was a male, he said if Mrs. Knibbles wasn't we would have already had come little piggies running around since they were already three at time when they ended up dying.
The second vet also said since both were brothers and the same age he would bet money that Mrs. Knibbles had the same teeth issues that he had seen with Percie and that had we come to him first with Percie that he probably would have been able to save him.
That little fiasco of the guinea pigs ended up costing right under a grand between all the vet visits and procedures and in the end neither survived.
Blondie has wanted to be a vet but since this has happened she has changed her mind about that profession, she now wants to be a doctor. Her reasoning is, "I can't stand to see pets die."
I guess she has no problem with people though, go figure? True blonde, that girl is.

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